
Health & Wellness
As the days grow long and the weather warms, you’re likely spending more time outdoors. Whether you’re taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood or competing in a triathlon, keep these five sunny season tips in mind: 1. Replenish fluids. It’s easy to become dehydrated when you’re active. Replenish your fluids by drinking plenty of...
If I told you that I could write a prescription for you that would positively impact everything in your life, would you take it? It would improve your health, creativity, sleep, relationships, increase mood, lower blood pressure and stress, increase your energy levels, boost your brain power, promote a healthy heart, promote positive emotional growth...
My husband and I always have loved to travel, whether that means a weekend road trip, flying to a more distant destination or a Sunday drive to find adventure in our area. That did not change when we had a baby (nor two, three or four). Here are things we’ve learned along the way: Set...
As the days grow long and the weather warms, you’re likely spending more time outdoors. Whether you’re taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood or competing in a triathlon, keep these five sunny season tips in mind: 1. Replenish fluids. It’s easy to become dehydrated when you’re active. Replenish your fluids by drinking plenty of...
It’s spring, which means that summer is on the way. To me, that means I’ll soon be tending to my garden, which I love for many reasons. I love to play in the dirt. I’m sort of a child when it comes to gardening. I get so excited when the first little shoots start to...
Have you ever noticed a pimple pop up during times of stress? What about fatigued or dry skin? Chronic stress can show up on the skin, making it appear dull and tired and even leading to acne, redness or general discomfort. Continual stress also is one of the top contributors to making inflammatory skin conditions...
As this month’s magazine theme is fashion, I wanted to highlight the balance between fashion, comfort and function. Did you know that more than three million people age 50 or older require some form of help when dressing? This data was published in the latest National Health Interview Survey. We all know that when we...
With winter officially over, we are entering the wedding season. Wedding planning can be stressful. This stress has been enhanced during the past few years due to the added stress of a pandemic and ever-changing guidelines. Brides-to-be are under more strain than ever before. Appropriate self-care during this period is essential. Self-care is taking time...
While investing in your health and wellness can sound like an overwhelming goal as a parent, doctors say that there are easy, tangible steps you can take to feel your best and better protect your health. “It is always the right time to consider your personal goals and how you can make positive health choices,”...
For many, the additional isolation and never-ending uncertainty of the past couple of years has led to mental fatigue and burnout. Experts say that no matter your age, turning to play instead of social media can help you feel more like yourself again. “While it’s tempting to constantly reach for our devices to check social...
I remember walking into the yoga studio, but this time was different. Before, I had breezed in with a mat, my keys, a water bottle and my growing baby bump. Nothing and everything had changed since the last time I had joined this group of mamas-to-be. Now, I navigated the narrow hallway with a diaper...
“Secondhand sadness” is a new phrase I heard recently. I thought it was a made-up emotion. I thought I would Google it to find nothing. I was surprised to find that it is a psychological phenomenon in which we experience someone’s sadness as if it was our own. My daughter defines secondhand sadness as empathy...
As this month’s magazine theme is about parenting, I realize that many of us are watching our parents get older. It is one of our greatest honors to care for those that cared for us. One goal almost is universal: We wish to keep our parents in their homes for as long as possible. This...
While investing in your health and wellness can sound like an overwhelming goal as a parent, doctors say that there are easy, tangible steps you can take to feel your best and better protect your health. “It is always the right time to consider your personal goals and how you can make positive health choices,”...
For many, the additional isolation and never-ending uncertainty of the past couple of years has led to mental fatigue and burnout. Experts say that no matter your age, turning to play instead of social media can help you feel more like yourself again. “While it’s tempting to constantly reach for our devices to check social...
W ell-meaning adults would tell Anana Johari Harris Parris when she was a young girl that she needed to take better care of herself. “I was like, ‘How?’ I felt everybody else had it figured out and I didn’t,” Parris said. But years later, she would be forced to take a big step toward self-care....
“Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” — Marvin J. Ashton Healthy relationships with family, friends and other loves ones can be a significant source of comfort, support and...
Did you know that 25% of the 805,000 heart attacks per year in the U.S. are recurrent? The American Heart Association reports that once you’ve experienced a heart attack, your chances of having another one is higher. In fact, nearly one in five patients who’ve had a heart attack will have another cardiovascular event, such...
W ell-meaning adults would tell Anana Johari Harris Parris when she was a young girl that she needed to take better care of herself. “I was like, ‘How?’ I felt everybody else had it figured out and I didn’t,” Parris said. But years later, she would be forced to take a big step toward self-care....
At lunch with my colleagues recently, the conversation turned to a morning news feature about a group of 13 women who contributed $3,000 apiece to time-share a diamond necklace, each having the use of it for a given period each year. The rules are flexible: Anyone celebrating a special occasion could take temporary custody, as...
Caregiving is a sacred role. It is extreme love in action. What could be more loving than caring for someone who needs you? You are supporting the needs and wishes of the care recipient and giving back to someone you love. When done properly and mindfully, it can be a beautiful act of love and...
Sticking to a schedule is good for health, wellness and productivity, and the start of a new year is the perfect time to form great habits. Resolve to adhere to a daily routine with the following tips and tricks: Write it down. The act of writing things down can help reinforce priorities. Keep a list...
Diets always have been associated with weight loss. But as we learn more about the complex systems within our bodies and how food works with those systems, diets have become more than a way to shed some pounds. We now know that the way we eat has a lot to do with how long we...
Starting a new fitness routine as part of your New Year’s resolutions? Protecting your feet and ankles is critical. “‘No pain, no gain’ may be a motto for most workouts, but ‘too much, too soon’ can lead to foot and ankle injuries, which can sabotage fitness goals,” said Jeffrey Loveland, a foot and ankle surgeon...
It’s January, which means we’re being hit with lots of New Year’s resolution advice: When, how and what to eat, workout and on and on. It seems this time of year, we are especially likely to let others set our goals for us. We release the majority of our power in terms of wellness decisions...
It’s already the time of year to reassess where the past 12 months took you and decide what you want to improve, change or start doing in 2022. Coming up with meaningful resolutions can be hard. To help simplify this process and get started toward becoming a better you, here are five things to consider...
Many Americans view health as a product of the medical care they receive. However, public health experts say that’s just one piece of the puzzle. “In reality, our health is shaped more by the zip code we live in than the doctor we see. In fact, where we live, our financial circumstances, our access to...
As our year comes to a close and we review what we did well and what we want to do better for next year, I thought it would be appropriate to share some advice from some of our very best area family caregivers. This wise guidance is gathered from our local moms, dads, husbands, wives,...
Balance: What a lofty goal. Every day, we run into obstacles that make keeping our objective of living a balanced life a struggle. It seems the holiday season is a particularly rough time to foster a sense of balance in our daily lives. Ayurveda is a holistic system of health that has been practiced in...
Starting a new fitness routine as part of your New Year’s resolutions? Protecting your feet and ankles is critical. “‘No pain, no gain’ may be a motto for most workouts, but ‘too much, too soon’ can lead to foot and ankle injuries, which can sabotage fitness goals,” said Jeffrey Loveland, a foot and ankle surgeon...
Balance: What a lofty goal. Every day, we run into obstacles that make keeping our objective of living a balanced life a struggle. It seems the holiday season is a particularly rough time to foster a sense of balance in our daily lives. Ayurveda is a holistic system of health that has been practiced in...
The pressure is starting to build: What can we gift for the holidays that is special for the people we love? Rather than have that feeling crescendo to a paralyzing state of panic I have a new way to think about this conundrum. This year, consider designing an experience for your loved one. It builds...
For breast, cervical and colon cancer, screening tests every few years can help doctors catch the diseases early and improve outcomes. But when the COVID-19 pandemic struck in spring 2020, many people skipped or delayed their cancer screenings. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides...
Despite the recent resurgence of COVID-19, many consumers are more comfortable shopping at brick-and-mortar stores compared to last year, and experts are predicting substantial retail traffic this holiday season. “While COVID-19 is still making headlines as we head into the holidays, vaccine availability and retailers’ health and safety measures have put us in a different...
If you are looking for a special gift to give any loved one this season, consider the gift of improved nerve function and circulation, relaxation and balance of body, mind and spirit. Reflexology can do all of these things and more. Reflexology is an ancient technique, in which massaging, holding pressure and using special hand...
As the weather cools and women switch from open to closed shoe styles, the transition can be painful. According to Thanh Dinh, a foot and ankle surgeon and president of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, two of the most common types of pain women feel in their feet in autumn come from...
While basic sun protection likely is your top skin care priority in summer, during the fall, it’s time to address other skin care concerns. One matter in particular to pay close attention to is scarring. This is because sun exposure can cause further discoloration in scars. What’s more, scar tissue is more susceptible than other...
If you are looking for a special gift to give any loved one this season, consider the gift of improved nerve function and circulation, relaxation and balance of body, mind and spirit. Reflexology can do all of these things and more. Reflexology is an ancient technique, in which massaging, holding pressure and using special hand...
For breast, cervical and colon cancer, screening tests every few years can help doctors catch the diseases early and improve outcomes. But when the COVID-19 pandemic struck in spring 2020, many people skipped or delayed their cancer screenings. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides...
A Dubuque family has pledged $1 million toward the creation of a resource center for nonprofessional caregivers, and a local organization now is looking to raise a matching amount. Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque announced it is partnering with the Theisen family, the owner of Theisen Supply, on fundraising efforts for the planned Dubuque Area...
As this month’s edition of Her magazine gives tribute to amazing women in our community, I thought I would share the following words. The author is cited as unknown, but this we know for sure: The words describe the amazing women that we honor this month. For that matter these words describe every woman. “A...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Unfortunately, this type of cancer continues to be the most common among American women, with 255,000 receiving this diagnosis yearly. Throughout a lifetime, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Men also can develop breast cancer, but it is much less common. Currently, one out of...
A Dubuque family has pledged $1 million toward the creation of a resource center for nonprofessional caregivers, and a local organization now is looking to raise a matching amount. Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque announced it is partnering with the Theisen family, the owner of Theisen Supply, on fundraising efforts for the planned Dubuque Area...
Carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap in the past few years with the popularity of low carb diet plans. Initial weight loss with these diet plans might seem impressive, but as with any fad diet, weight loss ultimately will taper and plateau. There also are possible side effects to a sudden reduction in carbs, including...
Teenagers can be difficult to please. It’s a general statement, yet most older readers likely are nodding their heads in agreement as they recall last week’s scream session with their 16-year-old about a later curfew or a fight about being mature enough to go to a concert. Teens seemingly have an opinion about everything, so...
August is here, summer is winding down, and crisp, fall air will soon be upon us. Our children will be returning to school, bringing along new schedules and routines. Unfortunately, this also means cold and flu season is right around the corner. Luckily, there are simple things we can do to keep us healthy and...
Reminisce with me. Go back in time and think of this time of year, when you were younger. Suddenly in mid-August, you would count down to the first day of school. You’d ponder: “What will I choose for my back-to-school wardrobe?” “When will my mom and dad take me to get my school supplies?” “Do...
Think back to planning your wedding day or your last big purchase. There was likely a fair amount of preparation involved. In the case of your wedding, perhaps you visited various venues or vendors to know your options; and chose music, flowers or foods that best fit your preferences. Perhaps you stepped up your fitness...
As we begin to awaken from COVID–19, I would like to recognize a group of special champions in our community: Essential workers. When we typically think about heroes, we think of someone who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of courage, strength and ingenuity. What could possibly be more dignified than lovingly...
If you are responsible for the care of a loved one, travel or leisure are sometimes difficult to imagine. But while thinking about going away might feel unrealistic, caregiving experts say that planning for this time is critically and vitally important. Caregiving can be stressful, and sustained caregiving requires that you take time to recharge...
“Nature can bring you stillness, that is its gift to you.” — Tolle There is something about nature that touches the human spirit. From Hippocrates, The Buddha, Muir, Emerson and Tolle, there is enduring wisdom about the healing and restorative power that nature holds for us. Recent research has shown even more evidence of this...
In my work, the topic of home often comes up. When I ask people what home is to them, I receive a rainbow of answers. Some tell me about their house and garden. Some tell me about their favorite home when they were a kid. Some say it is where their family is. Some say...
As our theme this month is all about parenting, I thought we would discuss how to optimize your caregiving when caring for your children. My expertise is in guiding adults to care for other adults, but the main practices are similar. Caregiving done properly takes much time, energy and attention. Many caregivers don’t realize how...
Congratulations! You have a new bundle of joy. There are many changes that occur after the birth of your baby, all of which can be new and exciting. However, what happens when these changes are not welcome? Whether you recently had a baby or if your baby now is in high school, there are several...
If you are newly pregnant or contemplating starting a family, you probably have many questions, including how you will feed your baby. It always is encouraged to ask questions and seek out the answers you need when it comes to your baby. These are some of the most common questions new parents and parents-to-be ask...
Congratulations! You have a new bundle of joy. There are many changes that occur after the birth of your baby, all of which can be new and exciting. However, what happens when these changes are not welcome? Whether you recently had a baby or if your baby now is in high school, there are several...
Caregiving done properly takes time, energy and attention. Many caregivers don’t realize how demanding it can be until they are caring for a child or parent. And what often happens is that caregivers “borrow time” from their partner, children, work, school or friendships. Caregivers might feel anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed, tired, stressed, sad and perhaps angry...
I felt validated recently to read that researchers at the University of Chicago have discovered that more than a third of U.S. marriages between 2005 and 2012 began online and that early research shows online couples tend to have longer, happier marriages. I’m half of such a couple, having met my husband of six years...
“The hand you hold the longest is your own.” — Libba Bray We spend so much energy on finding that “special” relationship, believing that a person will complete us. No one else can complete us or make us whole. Our happiness and fulfillment in life are not dependent on anyone but ourselves. Having a loving,...
All of this wedding and relationship talk has made me think back to a time when I thought wedded bliss would never happen for me. I am talking about a time that I convinced myself I never wanted to get married. I lied to myself and others, saying marriage was not for me, when deep...
We all know relationships are hard, even in the best of times. Throw in the domino effect of a worldwide pandemic that affects our jobs, our routines and our everyday way of life, and that could spell disaster for even the strongest of unions. “A successful relationship has a fair amount of autonomy,” said Colleen...
Did you know that 25% of the 805,000 heart attacks per year in the U.S. are recurrent? The American Heart Association reports that once you’ve experienced a heart attack, your chances of having another one is higher. In fact, nearly one in five patients who’ve had a heart attack will have another cardiovascular event, such...
In her last trimester, in the midst of dealing with family and work issues as well as preparing for a new baby, Michelle Emebo felt stressed. “I didn’t realize how much it was impacting me until I went to see my health care provider and my blood pressure was up,” she said. Doctors monitored her...
I felt validated recently to read that researchers at the University of Chicago have discovered that more than a third of U.S. marriages between 2005 and 2012 began online and that early research shows online couples tend to have longer, happier marriages. I’m half of such a couple, having met my husband of six years...
UnityPoint Health-Finley Hospital ER nurse Jen Hanks often sings to her patients. She’s the first to say it has nothing to do with a good singing voice. “I find that nursing is the art of humanity,” said Hanks, 38. “So, to be able to connect with another human being and show vulnerability and to access...
Sexual intimacy is something that varies greatly between couples. “How much sex should I be having?” one might ask. This is something that each couple must decide for themselves, and for many couples, the average number of sexual encounters will be set by the partner who desires it the least. That said, it is never...
During cold and flu season and amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be more medicines in homes being used to treat symptoms. You can keep curious kids safe by keeping medicine up and away and out of sight and reach. The Up and Away campaign, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
It is the new year, and I am going to take a wild guess as to what your resolution is going to be? Does it have anything to do with weight loss or wellness? I am betting so, considering that almost 50% of the population resolutions are just this. So, what will it be? Cutting...
The New Year is the perfect time to hit “reset” and start over with fresh dental habits that can help improve your health. “As we move into the new year, so many of us are looking at our health and wellness through a new lens,” said Ruchi Sahota, American Dental Association spokesperson. “Your oral and...
I was startled when a young woman I know — a promising scientist — said she is grateful for her learning disabilities because they enable her to peer through a unique prism and appreciate others who are different in other ways. Similarly, I’m (almost) glad I had cancer because it profoundly changed my view of...
After 15 years as a full-time massage therapist, Jaime Ellerie was ready to call it quits five years ago. As much as she loved her practice, which she ran out of her home in Dubuque, the art of massage had taken a physical toll toll on her hands, shoulders and back. She knew making the...
Have you heard? Sitting is the new smoking. Well, maybe not exactly. However, sitting does cause adverse health conditions. For me, prolonged sitting causes weaker back muscles and painful headaches. It does not help that my posture gets worse the longer that I sit. According to the Better Health Channel, sitting too long increases your...
Happy New Year! 2021 finally is here. For some of us, turning a new year has us celebrating and looking ahead to new and brighter days. Others might be downright too exhausted to notice or care that 2020 has ended and a new year has begun. While 2020 might have required modifications to our usual...
Adults and kids alike might be enjoying the excitement of digital devices received as gifts during the holidays. However, the new year always is a great time for a reset. Alongside those new devices, consider adopting some new digital habits. Here are some great ideas for helping your family build healthier relationships with their digital...
As we get older and wiser, it seems that health is one of our biggest treasures. Many seniors tell me that they wish they would have paid closer attention to healthy habits throughout their lifetime. The good news is that it is never too late to start. The classic scenario presents itself far too often:...
High blood pressure — the leading risk factor for heart attack and stroke — continues to disproportionately affect communities of color. Addressing this health inequity is especially important now, as people with hypertension and serious heart conditions are at an increased risk for more severe outcomes if they acquire COVID-19. According to the American Heart...
UnityPoint Health-Finley Hospital ER nurse Jen Hanks often sings to her patients. She’s the first to say it has nothing to do with a good singing voice. “I find that nursing is the art of humanity,” said Hanks, 38. “So, to be able to connect with another human being and show vulnerability and to access...
Sexual intimacy is something that varies greatly between couples. “How much sex should I be having?” one might ask. This is something that each couple must decide for themselves, and for many couples, the average number of sexual encounters will be set by the partner who desires it the least. That said, it is never...
I was startled when a young woman I know — a promising scientist — said she is grateful for her learning disabilities because they enable her to peer through a unique prism and appreciate others who are different in other ways. Similarly, I’m (almost) glad I had cancer because it profoundly changed my view of...
Starting a new fitness routine as part of your New Year’s resolutions? Protecting your feet and ankles is critical. “‘No pain, no gain’ may be a motto for most workouts, but ‘too much, too soon’ can lead to foot and ankle injuries, which can sabotage fitness goals,” said Jeffrey Loveland, a foot and ankle surgeon...
Muscle tension. Pounding heart. Rapid breathing. Elevated blood pressure. Whether the threat is real or perceived, it has the same physiological response in the body. Stress is the body’s response — mentally, emotionally and/or physically — to change. Even positive change produces stress. The stress response can help to protect us in life-threatening situations. Or,...
Think about “home” and what that has meant to you throughout your lifetime. Home used to be where you lived with your family of origin, with your parents and your siblings. Then, home was defined to be college or your apartment as a young adult. A few years later, perhaps home became where you and...
Question: How do you tell your family you won’t be coming over for the holidays this year? Answer: The best way to handle this is similar to any other event you attend. If you knew you would not be able to attend an event, the proper etiquette would be to RSVP as soon as you...
This year has been a year like no other. Life, as we know it, has been challenged. Some of us have lost our jobs, and some of us had to transition to working from home. Others continue to report to the workplace, but now, with added personal protection equipment and health screenings. Families also are...
I remember a time when gift-giving was fun. Was it just because I was a kid, or was it because once upon a time, we put more thought into gifts? We shopped in stores. We saw a special something and thought of someone who it would be perfect for and bought it on the spot,...
Shopping for the fitness fanatic on your holiday gift list can be difficult. They already have the bulk of every athleisure product or the latest and greatest trinkets to fit the the new workout trend. Or, if they are just getting started with their fitness regime, it can be difficult to decipher where to begin....
Seven months into a world seen through the lens of COVID-19, you might be expecting a few pages of hacks to keep the kids on task for learning at home or even some tips on keeping active physically and mentally during trying times. But let’s be honest. After seven months, we’re swimming in life hacks...
Stephanie Grutz knew from a young age what she wanted to do — help people. The daughter of an entrepreneur father and a nurse mother, Grutz was inspired to follow in her mother’s footsteps by becoming a nurse and in her father’s by starting her own business. She began as a dietary aide in a...
A group of moms sip their coffee or tea as their children play. One mom jokes about how she hasn’t jumped on a trampoline since she had 7-year-old Molly, who flips in the air and lands on her feet. “Oh, how I miss those days, being able to jump without soaking my underwear. I’ve learned...
They are all around us. Professional and family caregivers quietly serve in the background, caring for seniors. Their jobs are varied, but their hearts, commitment and servant leadership is extraordinary. You know who you are — that committed army of women who pour out their hearts with compassion and generosity. They are fierce advocates and...
Women: Beautiful, smart, inspirational, hard-working. They are truly amazing. Believe it or not, I used to be incredibly intimidated by other women. I believed they were a threat to me and would belittle myself so much that I didn’t want to be around strong, smart, successful women. My judgment toward them was a reflection of...
One of the most important responsibilities in caregiving is to make sure that you and your loved one eat well and enjoy mealtime together. What can we do differently when it comes to food and drink to enhance the dining experience? Take your queue from nature. It is so easy to be inspired by nature....
You undoubtedly have heard the old adage, “you are what you eat.” Perhaps a better way of thinking about it might be, “what you eat makes you feel how you do.” If you are allergic or sensitive to what you are eating, even if it is a perfectly healthy food, it might be causing a...
I am feeling so grateful to have been writing for Her for one year already. Now that we are getting to know each other better, it is time for me to start to share with you a little more about me. Maybe even a few secrets, such as: When it comes to food, I love...
Recently, I woke up like it was Christmas Day. I was ecstatic, and not because of anything more than the fact that I was getting a babysitter for the day. When you are at home with four little kids all day and a husband who works all the time, you start to become used to...
After years of struggling to find effective ways to treat the pain she was experiencing from fibromyalgia, Tanya Billmeyer knew that there must be other options, not only for her but for others. Then, she tried floating. The positive experience she had suspended in an over-sized sensory deprivation pod prompted her to open Float and...
Life can be stressful. With everything that is going on now in the world, we are noticing that more people are overwhelmed, anxious and depressed. On top of everything else, the stress within our lives obviously hasn’t stopped. The medical community has recognized that stress has a significant impact on our health, inflammation, increased risk...
To be your best self, be resilient. While watching this year’s annual patriotic pops concert, “A Capitol Fourth,” on PBS, I was touched to see Vanessa Williams, the co-host, in great voice and gorgeous at 57. Resilience has brought her a long way since 1983. That’s when she surrendered her crown as Miss America because...
Caregivers are all around us — family caregivers and professional caregivers. They spend much of their time and energy tirelessly caring for others, and they rarely receive the appreciation or recognition they deserve. Have you ever wondered how you show your appreciation for all that they do? I have a few ideas for you: Offer...
Twenty years ago, I undertook a small research study to look at the benefits of meditation for parents caring for their very sick children at home. At that time, there was a growing body of evidence as to the benefits of meditation. Now, the powerful benefits are undeniable. This time-tested practice has been scientifically proven...
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