
March 5, 2021
DURANGO, Iowa — Jade O’Connell knew from an early age that she wanted to be a mom. Even when her son, Finnian, arrived 16 days ahead of schedule on Sept. 1, 2019, the 26-year-old Durango native could not have been more elated. “I already had names picked out when I was in high school,” O’Connell...
If you are newly pregnant or contemplating starting a family, you probably have many questions, including how you will feed your baby. It always is encouraged to ask questions and seek out the answers you need when it comes to your baby. These are some of the most common questions new parents and parents-to-be ask...
A quick look back at all the pandemic cooking I’ve done reveals a penchant for soup and sandwiches. Chiefly because it’s easy and economical to keep ingredients for those dishes on hand. Quality rolls in the freezer, sliced cheese and deli meats in the fridge. For soups, I rely on a stock of vegetables that...
GALENA, Ill. — In honor of Women’s History Month, the Galena Center for the Arts will host its fourth annual Broad Ideas, with virtual events scheduled throughout March. Zoom links for all events are available by visiting Schedule March 1-31: Broad Intentions Weather-grams. The activity will be done at home to decorate trees throughout...
When interest rates are low, you might have questions about how this affects your financial strategy. Low interest rates often make investors worry about lagging returns. Investors might consider adding income annuities to their retirement portfolio. How to compare income-generating solutions when interest rates are low When looking at ways to achieve financial security in...
Marie Lourdie Pierre-Jacques still breaks down when she recounts the phone call that pulled the rug out from under her. One of thousands of hotel workers placed on temporary layoff at the start of the pandemic, she thought the October call with her employer was to discuss health insurance. Instead, she said, she was told...
Katherine and Rebekah have seven children between them, degrees in education and psychology, experience as educators and developmental therapists. Parenting experts, right? No, we’re all amateurs. As mother (Katherine) and daughter (Rebekah), we believe “children should be seen but not heard” is pond scum advice. But we also have contrasting experiences. In the 1980s, Katherine...
With kids and teens spending more time online than ever these days due to social distancing guidelines and remote-learning, you might believe the time is now to graduate them to their very own device. However, as a result of all that additional screen time, families should be doubly sure that kids use their devices safely...
Children look forward to opening birthday presents and gifts for special occasions. However, there are some things to keep in mind to make sure gifts are safe and appropriate. To help you make savvy selections, from The Toy Association, a leading site for toy safety information, is offering the following guidance: Avoid shady sellers...
There is a close-up photo of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking from a podium, holding on to it firmly as if he is leaning in to the enormous task ahead. In the new book, “That They Lived: African Americans Who Changed the World,” that photo is paired with a portrait of Rochelle Riley’s grandson,...
“When I have kids, they are not going to watch TV.” “When I have kids, they are not going to have such an extreme number of toys.” “Oh, I will never let my kid play video games.” “iPad? Are you kidding me? Never will my kid’s beautiful little eyes be exposed to a screen.” These...
Re-feathering an empty nest Megan Amos, a licensed mental health counselor and owner of Compass Counseling in Dubuque, offers these tips for parents who are or will soon be empty nesters: Honor your feelings and give yourself time and space to grieve and adjust to a new normal. You might experience feelings of sadness, loss,...
1. Thou shalt offer neither suggestions nor commentary regarding names for thy expected grandchild, even if the proffered name is that of a fruit, an animal or a day of the week. 2. Thou shalt not permit thy grandchild to cheat at games; neither shall thee stop playing until said grandchild has won. 3. Thou...
Congratulations! You have a new bundle of joy. There are many changes that occur after the birth of your baby, all of which can be new and exciting. However, what happens when these changes are not welcome? Whether you recently had a baby or if your baby now is in high school, there are several...


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