
Ah, school days. Whether you’re heading in for that first year or a returning veteran of the be-lockered hallways, the return to school is an exciting, sometimes stressful time. If there’s one thing that’s especially difficult to get back into the swing of, it’s studying. Good study habits are the work of an entire academic...
I’m no stranger to writer’s block. I’m sure many other artists struggle with this as well. Lately, I’ve been feeling stuck. I want to create. I want to share my work. But only if it means something. March was Women’s History Month, and I learned new things and relearned old things. Nina Simone was an...
Much as MTV and Saturday morning cartoons stood in as de facto parents for our generation, Tik Tok and Instagram are serving in loco parentis for the next generation of tech-obsessed youth. But there is another way. A better way. A hacking way. In hackis parentis, if you will allow a bit of Latin in...
“Give a person a gift and they’ll be a happy for a day. Teach him or her to hack and he or she will be happy for eternity.” — Unknown The holidays can be a stressful time, what with being forced into small rooms with relatives you see twice per year, carbo-loading on fruitcake and...
When it comes to diets, there’s a variety to choose from in this day and age. From the South Beach diet of the 1990s to the Atkins diet of the 2000s, there’s always a new nutritional space to explore. The official Her Hacks Spousetm took on the auspices of the keto diet in the past...
Much as MTV and Saturday morning cartoons stood in as de facto parents for our generation, Tik Tok and Instagram are serving in loco parentis for the next generation of tech-obsessed youth. But there is another way. A better way. A hacking way. In hackis parentis, if you will allow a bit of Latin in...
”Now is the winter of our discotheque.” — Me, misquoting Shakespeare Yes, those endless days of summer are in the rearview for the moment, but don’t let that get you down. After all, we’ve got Netflix and the warm glow of a pine-scented candle. What more can we ask for as the daylight hours are...
Who knew that when Mom was admonishing us young hackers to sit farther away from the television because it would damage our eyes that she was not only right but also prescient? One of the many challenges of our modern world is the omnipresence of screens. Screens for work, screens for play, screens in our...
The holidays are looking a little bit different this year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the warm glow of the season. But before we get to that warm glow — whether it’s coming from a roasting bird in the oven or a stocking-bedecked fireplace — let’s dive into the warm, snuggly glow of...
From time to time, the Her Hacks team likes to get out of the hack mines, get some sunshine and have a couple of margaritas (frozen, of course) while enjoying a warm breeze. And sometimes they are pulled out of the mines, put in a library and told to find some hidden gem authors. Both...
Being a parent is about three parts blood, sweat and tears mixed with three parts MacGyver and a dash of drill instructor. In other words, it’s a hard job. But it’s one for which the Her Hacks team is dedicated to helping you be prepared. For our parents’ generation, being prepared often took the form...
In the era of social media, online dating and Netflix and chill there are few pleasures as tactile and satisfying as entertaining. Whether it’s a couple of friends and a bottle of wine or a couple dozen and a homemade antipasto bar, there is a world of face-to-face fun out there just waiting to get...
In the era of social media, online dating and Netflix and chill there are few pleasures as tactile and satisfying as entertaining. Whether it’s a couple of friends and a bottle of wine or a couple dozen and a homemade antipasto bar, there is a world of face-to-face fun out there just waiting to get...
January is a time of new beginnings. Named after the Roman deity Janus — a two-faced god who looks into the future and past — it’s the time when we start looking forward to a new year and the chance to start fresh. The most common New Year’s tradition is, of course, the resolution. Lose...
January is a time of new beginnings. Named after the Roman deity Janus — a two-faced god who looks into the future and past — it’s the time when we start looking forward to a new year and the chance to start fresh. The most common New Year’s tradition is, of course, the resolution. Lose...
When we’re thinking about shopping for holiday gift-giving, too often we’re blinded the big, flashy possibilities: TVs, gaming systems, smartphones or the splendor that is a home 3-D printer. That’s why the Her Hacks Team is her to ask, whither the gadgets, Gidget? There is a whole wonderful world of gadgets out there that go...
When we’re thinking about shopping for holiday gift-giving, too often we’re blinded the big, flashy possibilities: TVs, gaming systems, smartphones or the splendor that is a home 3-D printer. That’s why the Her Hacks Team is her to ask, whither the gadgets, Gidget? There is a whole wonderful world of gadgets out there that go...
When we’re thinking about shopping for holiday gift-giving, too often we’re blinded the big, flashy possibilities: TVs, gaming systems, smartphones or the splendor that is a home 3-D printer. That’s why the Her Hacks Team is her to ask, whither the gadgets, Gidget? There is a whole wonderful world of gadgets out there that go...
For an undergraduate student, the Christmas season can be daunting. We are slammed with papers, presentations and final exams. Immediately after school ends, the Christmas season is upon us and we worry about finding gifts for friends and family while trying to stay on a budget. With “seven out of 10 college students feeling stressed...
“Give a person a gift and they’ll be a happy for a day. Teach him or her to hack and he or she will be happy for eternity.” — Unknown The holidays can be a stressful time, what with being forced into small rooms with relatives you see twice per year, carbo-loading on fruitcake and...
“Give a person a gift and they’ll be a happy for a day. Teach him or her to hack and he or she will be happy for eternity.” — Unknown The holidays can be a stressful time, what with being forced into small rooms with relatives you see twice per year, carbo-loading on fruitcake and...
Monday, Sept. 23 — which the calendar assures us is the first day of fall — has come and gone. It’s a magical day that we in the Her Hacks office look forward to every year. First, we all show up for our brutal shifts in the Word Mines at 6 a.m., bedraggled and covered...
Monday, Sept. 23 — which the calendar assures us is the first day of fall — has come and gone. It’s a magical day that we in the Her Hacks office look forward to every year. First, we all show up for our brutal shifts in the Word Mines at 6 a.m., bedraggled and covered...
Monday, Sept. 23 — which the calendar assures us is the first day of fall — has come and gone. It’s a magical day that we in the Her Hacks office look forward to every year. First, we all show up for our brutal shifts in the Word Mines at 6 a.m., bedraggled and covered...
Ah, school days. Whether you’re heading in for that first year or a returning veteran of the be-lockered hallways, the return to school is an exciting, sometimes stressful time. If there’s one thing that’s especially difficult to get back into the swing of, it’s studying. Good study habits are the work of an entire academic...
Ah, school days. Whether you’re heading in for that first year or a returning veteran of the be-lockered hallways, the return to school is an exciting, sometimes stressful time. If there’s one thing that’s especially difficult to get back into the swing of, it’s studying. Good study habits are the work of an entire academic...
Ah, school days. Whether you’re heading in for that first year or a returning veteran of the be-lockered hallways, the return to school is an exciting, sometimes stressful time. If there’s one thing that’s especially difficult to get back into the swing of, it’s studying. Good study habits are the work of an entire academic...
The Her Hacks team made a resolution this year to get back down to basics. What followed was seven months of debate trying to decide what constitutes “back to basics.” After much debate, some small committee work, a couple of ice breakers, five all-nighters, a reboot, several hundred memoranda and a tense, five-day vote the...
The Her Hacks team made a resolution this year to get back down to basics. What followed was seven months of debate trying to decide what constitutes “back to basics.” After much debate, some small committee work, a couple of ice breakers, five all-nighters, a reboot, several hundred memoranda and a tense, five-day vote the...
The Her Hacks team made a resolution this year to get back down to basics. What followed was seven months of debate trying to decide what constitutes “back to basics.” After much debate, some small committee work, a couple of ice breakers, five all-nighters, a reboot, several hundred memoranda and a tense, five-day vote the...
What is one to do when the spa beckons but the bank account or calendar is scowling in disapproval whenever you think about it? In such cases, an at-home spa day is the ticket, and the Her Hacks team has a carnival fairway of hacks, tips and tricks to get the most out of the...
What is one to do when the spa beckons but the bank account or calendar is scowling in disapproval whenever you think about it? In such cases, an at-home spa day is the ticket, and the Her Hacks team has a carnival fairway of hacks, tips and tricks to get the most out of the...
What is one to do when the spa beckons but the bank account or calendar is scowling in disapproval whenever you think about it? In such cases, an at-home spa day is the ticket, and the Her Hacks team has a carnival fairway of hacks, tips and tricks to get the most out of the...
If there’s one trendy thing your parents (and sometimes grandparents) are way ahead of you on it’s recycling. Think about it. You’ve been in dad’s garage/basement/shed/workshop/weight room/cave of classic rock/World War II book depository, and you’ve seen all those glass jars filled with assorted screws/washers/bolts/nails/anchors/bits/bobs. If you’ve been in mom’s craft room, you’ve inevitably seen...
If there’s one trendy thing your parents (and sometimes grandparents) are way ahead of you on it’s recycling. Think about it. You’ve been in dad’s garage/basement/shed/workshop/weight room/cave of classic rock/World War II book depository, and you’ve seen all those glass jars filled with assorted screws/washers/bolts/nails/anchors/bits/bobs. If you’ve been in mom’s craft room, you’ve inevitably seen...
If there’s one trendy thing your parents (and sometimes grandparents) are way ahead of you on it’s recycling. Think about it. You’ve been in dad’s garage/basement/shed/workshop/weight room/cave of classic rock/World War II book depository, and you’ve seen all those glass jars filled with assorted screws/washers/bolts/nails/anchors/bits/bobs. If you’ve been in mom’s craft room, you’ve inevitably seen...
Spring is the perfect time to freshen up your home and bring the outdoors inside with the aromas that you enjoy and love. The aroma of first cut grass, and the soft scent of magnolia trees blooming has a positive effect on our emotions. How can we bottle these amazing scents of the great outdoors...
The spring is upon us. Let the celebrations begin. And what’s the most important part of a celebration? Responsibly enjoying a tasty libation, of course. Whether that libation is a beer- or wine-flavored alcohol or something softer (sarsaparilla, perhaps), we’ve got a few tips for how to hack that drink. Just remember, moderation is next...
The spring is upon us. Let the celebrations begin. And what’s the most important part of a celebration? Responsibly enjoying a tasty libation, of course. Whether that libation is a beer- or wine-flavored alcohol or something softer (sarsaparilla, perhaps), we’ve got a few tips for how to hack that drink. Just remember, moderation is next...
The spring is upon us. Let the celebrations begin. And what’s the most important part of a celebration? Responsibly enjoying a tasty libation, of course. Whether that libation is a beer- or wine-flavored alcohol or something softer (sarsaparilla, perhaps), we’ve got a few tips for how to hack that drink. Just remember, moderation is next...
The spring is upon us. Let the celebrations begin. And what’s the most important part of a celebration? Responsibly enjoying a tasty libation, of course. Whether that libation is a beer- or wine-flavored alcohol or something softer (sarsaparilla, perhaps), we’ve got a few tips for how to hack that drink. Just remember, moderation is next...
There are great women all around us at all times. And, when you take a look back through history, it becomes apparent very quickly that that always has been the case. But, unfortunately, too many of those trailblazers have gone too long without the recognition that is their due. Here is a list of a...
There are great women all around us at all times. And, when you take a look back through history, it becomes apparent very quickly that that always has been the case. But, unfortunately, too many of those trailblazers have gone too long without the recognition that is their due. Here is a list of a...
There are great women all around us at all times. And, when you take a look back through history, it becomes apparent very quickly that that always has been the case. But, unfortunately, too many of those trailblazers have gone too long without the recognition that is their due. Here is a list of a...
February is one of those months that has an image problem. Sure, it’s the month of love — after all, Valentine’s Day calls it home. But, it’s also wrapped tightly in the embrace of winter’s coldest depths. And nothing kills the mood quite like icicles hanging from body hair. Or, the frigid gust of a...
February is one of those months that has an image problem. Sure, it’s the month of love — after all, Valentine’s Day calls it home. But, it’s also wrapped tightly in the embrace of winter’s coldest depths. And nothing kills the mood quite like icicles hanging from body hair. Or, the frigid gust of a...
February is one of those months that has an image problem. Sure, it’s the month of love — after all, Valentine’s Day calls it home. But, it’s also wrapped tightly in the embrace of winter’s coldest depths. And nothing kills the mood quite like icicles hanging from body hair. Or, the frigid gust of a...
When it comes to diets, there’s a variety to choose from in this day and age. From the South Beach diet of the 1990s to the Atkins diet of the 2000s, there’s always a new nutritional space to explore. The official Her Hacks Spousetm took on the auspices of the keto diet in the past...
When it comes to diets, there’s a variety to choose from in this day and age. From the South Beach diet of the 1990s to the Atkins diet of the 2000s, there’s always a new nutritional space to explore. The official Her Hacks Spousetm took on the auspices of the keto diet in the past...
When it comes to diets, there’s a variety to choose from in this day and age. From the South Beach diet of the 1990s to the Atkins diet of the 2000s, there’s always a new nutritional space to explore. The official Her Hacks Spousetm took on the auspices of the keto diet in the past...


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October 7, 2024
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October 7, 2024
Woman Who Makes a Difference: Alycia Willenbring
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