
December 18, 2020
Muscle tension. Pounding heart. Rapid breathing. Elevated blood pressure. Whether the threat is real or perceived, it has the same physiological response in the body. Stress is the body’s response — mentally, emotionally and/or physically — to change. Even positive change produces stress. The stress response can help to protect us in life-threatening situations. Or,...
For many of us, this holiday season is going to look a whole lot different than it has in years past. And for many others, it is going to be pretty much like any other holiday season. Whatever your plans, this article definitely is for you because it is about cheese log. And who can...
Eat, cook, read. If that’s your mantra, feast on these books — new and old, factual and fanciful— and all odes to food, glorious food. New this year is “Everything Is Under Control: A Memoir with Recipes,” by Phyllis Grant (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux). If you’ve intuited that the title is ironic, you are right....
Think about “home” and what that has meant to you throughout your lifetime. Home used to be where you lived with your family of origin, with your parents and your siblings. Then, home was defined to be college or your apartment as a young adult. A few years later, perhaps home became where you and...

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