
October 15, 2021
A Dubuque family has pledged $1 million toward the creation of a resource center for nonprofessional caregivers, and a local organization now is looking to raise a matching amount. Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque announced it is partnering with the Theisen family, the owner of Theisen Supply, on fundraising efforts for the planned Dubuque Area...
As this month’s edition of Her magazine gives tribute to amazing women in our community, I thought I would share the following words. The author is cited as unknown, but this we know for sure: The words describe the amazing women that we honor this month. For that matter these words describe every woman. “A...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Unfortunately, this type of cancer continues to be the most common among American women, with 255,000 receiving this diagnosis yearly. Throughout a lifetime, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Men also can develop breast cancer, but it is much less common. Currently, one out of...

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