
Home & Garden
Kitchen renovations are one of the most popular, as well as one of the most rewarding, home improvements. A new kitchen design can make that space a more functional, compelling heart of your home, in addition to increasing your home’s resale value. The average cost of a kitchen remodel is between $13,475 and $38,170, according...
When I reflect on changing seasons, space planning and organization impacts how I arrange items, especially in the garage. Prioritize placement of your possessions, and acknowledge if stored items compliment and enhance your lifestyle. Spring is more than cleaning windows, changing the air filter and performing annual maintenance. It’s the perfect opportunity to evaluate toys,...
Relationships inspire a new beginning by bringing two people together. This includes new experiences, fine-tuning your lifestyles and most importantly, learning to compromise with one another. With everything positive happening in your newly combined life, it’s easy to overlook the stuff you bring into your relationship. This applies to new romances or those who would...
For many people, the bedroom is a key room, one in which much of the day is spent. From a design standpoint, it’s a place into which you might want to invest in elevating your decor. How do you make a bedroom your favorite room in the house? Create a mood To help springboard your...
For many people, the bedroom is a key room, one in which much of the day is spent. From a design standpoint, it’s a place into which you might want to invest in elevating your decor. How do you make a bedroom your favorite room in the house? Create a mood To help springboard your...
After learning to live life more remotely in 2020 and 2021, it’s time to view 2022 as a fresh start. To help you adopt a new, balanced way of living, interior designer Taniya Nayak is sharing five home interior design trends meant to inspire spaces that will welcome guests, while incorporating the special intimacies that...
Resolving to green up your act in the New Year? Here are just a few tweaks you can make right at home to substantially reduce your environmental footprint: Make appliance upgrades Home appliances are improving all the time, with many newer models designed specifically with efficiency in mind. If your home appliances, such as your...
A frosty winter wonderland is fun to experience — outside. Inside is another story. By keeping your home heating system running at peak performance, you’ll lower your winter utility bills and experience increased comfort. According to North American Technician Excellence (NATE), here’s how to stay toasty this winter without breaking the bank: Get the right...
January: The beginning of a New Year, a new chapter, a new outlook and new experiences. The majority of New Year’s resolutions focus on going to the gym and eating better. These are excellent goals but can sometimes be unrealistic because of time. Most of us believe we need to make sacrifices to do everything...
After learning to live life more remotely in 2020 and 2021, it’s time to view 2022 as a fresh start. To help you adopt a new, balanced way of living, interior designer Taniya Nayak is sharing five home interior design trends meant to inspire spaces that will welcome guests, while incorporating the special intimacies that...
Resolving to green up your act in the New Year? Here are just a few tweaks you can make right at home to substantially reduce your environmental footprint: Make appliance upgrades Home appliances are improving all the time, with many newer models designed specifically with efficiency in mind. If your home appliances, such as your...
A frosty winter wonderland is fun to experience — outside. Inside is another story. By keeping your home heating system running at peak performance, you’ll lower your winter utility bills and experience increased comfort. According to North American Technician Excellence (NATE), here’s how to stay toasty this winter without breaking the bank: Get the right...
Out with the old and in with the new. I love this outlook for basically everything. As a new year approaches, we inspire to improve, one way or another. Organization and time management will help you achieve your goals. This brings me to the power of creating a list. I love lists. It’s not just...
I will be the first to admit, I grew up as a bit of a stem snob. I thought the only way to bring a festive forest into my home was with real pine and arrangements. However, thanks to Mary Carol Garrity years ago, I have discovered that faux can be just as beautiful and...
In what has become a classic movie scene from “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” Chevy Chase’s Clark Griswold insists that his family drive out to the country to choose and cut down a Christmas tree. “We’re kicking off our fun, old-fashioned family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to...
If you’re a lover of comfort food, cozy pajamas, snuggly blankets, hot beverages and Christmas movies that end all tied up in a lovely bow with a happily ever after thrown in, then you’re in luck. The holiday movie season is in full swing. If you want to become adept at this seasonal sport, these...
I will be the first to admit, I grew up as a bit of a stem snob. I thought the only way to bring a festive forest into my home was with real pine and arrangements. However, thanks to Mary Carol Garrity years ago, I have discovered that faux can be just as beautiful and...
It’s that time of year: Pumpkin spice is here and so are shorter days and cooler nights. Before nightfall comes too early, take advantage of the milder temps to prepare your home for winter. Here are a few easy, DIY tasks to check off your list: 1. Close up the patio. It’s important to protect...
Is it the holiday season already? The thought of 2021 coming to an end is somewhat unrealistic. Last year seemed never-ending, and this year went way too fast. Planning for 2022, what goes through your mind? What mental checklists are you preparing to end this year and move to the next? This column is intended...
W hen we think about women who lead by example and show generosity, we can associate their success with outstanding time management skills. The Salute to Women nomination and recognition within our community is a huge acknowledgment. Time management, setting goals and achieving daily tasks doesn’t happen without a plan. The award categories include Woman...
Many shops transform before the weather does. So, if you’re helping homes transition their looks, it isn’t hard to pretend we already are in the thick of pumpkin spice season. Imagine a world of cider doughnuts and blanket bundled bonfires as we explore the upcoming trends of fall. When it comes to the transitional colors...
I admit, the kitchen is my favorite space to maintain and improve. Every household is unique because everyone uses it differently. There isn’t a right or wrong way to organize it. It’s best to customize item placement to meet your needs. We spend countless hours planning, preparing, creating, serving and enjoying meals in our kitchens,...
I’m drafting this article as the 2020-2021 school year comes to an end. I’m including this because I think having an organized approach to starting a new school year reflects how you end the previous one. Much of this revolves around what grade your kid(s) are transitioning from. Things to consider when unloading the book...
Many students spent the last school year learning virtually, and now, there are a lot of items on parents’ and teachers’ to-do lists to help get ready for a return to traditional learning this school year. Included are tips to help simplify the transition, from home to classroom to dorm room. At home Take time...
Thinking back to my college years, I remember a lot of different emotions. That first time away from home is an eye-opener. One of the hardest parts is leaving the comforts of home and branching out to discover your way. I remember thinking I’d spent 18 years curating my childhood room, and now, I had...
W hen COVID-19 put an abrupt halt to social gatherings, many homes were reconfigured to encompass school study areas and home offices. Now that pandemic restrictions are easing, there is a gentle art to opening your home again to guests who (like hosts) are out of practice and grappling with a somewhat changed social terrain....
Let’s be realistic: All women make a difference. You should take this moment to acknowledge how much you contribute and your daily impact. How we share our skillset is a reflection of our time management and organization. As a professional organizer, I know firsthand that creating, maintaining and sticking to an action plan, a.k.a. “instruction...
Spring has sprung, and gardeners are busy. But so is the local wildlife. Wildlife, in particular deer and rabbits, can raze a garden of vegetables or flowers in no time. And while gardeners rationally know animals are just trying to find sustenance, it’s frustrating when hours of hard work are diminished to nothing more than...
I am a child of water. My parents bought a cottage on Lake Michigan north of Milwaukee the year I was born. When I was 8, we were evacuated because of a seiche — a sudden shift in barometric pressure — tilting the surface of the lake, piling up water, threatening shoreline residences. It could...
During the last year, our kitchens have become a place where we prep for an important presentation, help with schoolwork, cook meals together and laugh with friends at a virtual party. All this time in the kitchen also can mean it becomes the catch-all room for everything and everyone, making now the perfect time to...
Feeling the urge to purge? Then it’s time for some spring cleaning. With a few simple tips and tricks, your home — and mood — can be refreshed and revitalized. For the biggest payoff for your efforts, focus spring cleaning in the areas of the home that are used most: The kitchen and bathroom. Clear...
Home. We’ve spent a lot of time there in the past year. It’s become the place where we not only live but also work, teach and, in some cases, spend our vacation days. The pandemic forced us to make those changes, but now that we’re slowly but surely inching toward normalcy, many people have found...
With spring brings certain colors. Perhaps yellow and lilac come to mind. These days, unexpected colors and pairings are considered modern and fresh. Many of the colors are warm surprises but on trend and modern. Here are some spring color tips: 1. Consider mustard tones instead of traditional pale shades of yellow. 2. Mix different...
The COVID-19 pandemic permanently evolved our definition of “home,” inspiring us to reconsider how we use and live in our spaces. For many, it’s no longer just the place where we relax and regroup at the end of the day. It’s also an office, day care, eatery, gym or classroom. Whether you’re looking to create...
Kitchen upgrades make a huge impact. Not only do they have daily “good feeling” appeal for current homeowners, but they also can offer a great return on investment when it’s time to sell. They’ve also become an ideal gathering space for friends and families. It’s no surprise that kitchens were the second leading site of...
Chances are you’ve spent more time in the kitchen this past year. And the COVID-19 cooking craze hasn’t only been about putting dinner on the table; it has been a great way to tune out and decompress from the stress of living through a pandemic. Now that you have (almost) perfected your sourdough, it’s time...
Spring has sprung, and gardeners are busy. But so is the local wildlife. Wildlife, in particular deer and rabbits, can raze a garden of vegetables or flowers in no time. And while gardeners rationally know animals are just trying to find sustenance, it’s frustrating when hours of hard work are diminished to nothing more than...
As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers, and if you want to get the most out of your buds, you’ll have to take the proper steps to carefully design your spring garden. If you haven’t started on your garden this season, it’s not too late. Garden Gate magazine says depending on the temperatures...
Whether you are looking for a new home, selling yours or just visiting open houses for the heck of it, it helps to understand real estate lingo. Here are some translations: New listing — owner confident; wait a few weeks. Owner transferred — owner nervous. Priced to sell — owner desperate. Nonconforming fourth bedroom —...
Architects and furniture designers have long been inspired by the fashion industry. Charles and Ray Eames, the husband and wife team who were active in the mid-20th century and who designed the iconic and timeless Eames chair, often used fashion to influence their designs. Frank Lloyd Wright was known for his forward-thinking modern residential designs,...
The proverb that it’s an ill wind that blows no good proved true for me and a colleague during the recession. The highly skilled garden writer at the design magazine where I worked as a general editor was regretfully let go, and I inherited her duties on top of my own (with no change in...
I had such high hopes for my garden this summer. At the end of April, I planted six little spinach plants in pots on my second-floor apartment porch, marking the beginning of my third summer of container gardening. After a mostly successful growing season last year, I was feeling good about this year’s crops. I...
Before the school year kicks in to high gear, it’s important to give yourself the tools needed for academic success and maximum organization. Here are six ideas to set up the perfect workstation: 1. Clear up clutter First, determine how you use items. If paperwork is referenced multiple times per week, store it on your...
Touring Kris and Scott Kelly’s garden is like entering their living room. “We kind of live out there,” Kris said of their garden at 984 Patricia Ann Drive. “We don’t have a living room or dining room. Our business is in our home and the house is small. So we spend a lot of time...
The tri-states features an abundance of places to enjoy walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, canoeing and other fun outdoor activities. Dubuque maintains a 53-mile bike/hike trail system, which includes 28 miles of on-street route for biking and 25 miles of paved trails for walking, hiking and biking. Now that the weather is warmer, it’s time to...
I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree, wrote poet Joyce Kilmer in his poem Trees. Trees add so much to the beauty of our city, yards and parks. They add value to our property and they have benefits which include cleaning the air, fighting air pollution and cooling down...
Kennie Harris Volunteers at: Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. Favorite plant to grow: “I don’t have a favorite, but something I’ve learned a lot about are dahlias. They look so unglamorous when you dig them up. They’re this ugly brown, shriveled-up tuber. But they are a gorgeous flower, and they get really tall in the...
How does your garden grow? With weeds and nests and way too many pests? Or with perennials, juicy fruits and healthy, deep roots? Whether your green thumb is well-established or you’ve never picked up a spade, each spring and summer bring the opportunity to begin anew. Tyler Wagner, manager and maintenance director at Wagner Nursery...
For most of us, our landscaping and our vegetable garden (if we have one) are two separate entities. Landscaping — trees, bushes, perennial and annual plantings typically adorn the front of our homes, while the vegetable patch is relegated to the backyard. But who says is has to be that way? Edible landscaping is the...
The clocks moved forward a few weeks ago. That means it is time for you to move forward with your spring cleaning of closets. Bring efficiency and joy to your closets, spaces and belongings and de-clutter the chaos with the help of home organization expert Marty Basher, of Modular Closets. Before you begin, have a...
If you are like me, ladies, you hate to throw away several pair of jeans that no longer fit. Most women I know get stubborn about these things. Ladies want to believe that they are going to wake up next Tuesday and go on a serious diet. This time, they will not fail. This time,...
I’m not really a weather person. I don’t pay that much attention to forecasts or spend a lot of energy worrying about the weather. No amount of fretting or obsessively checking a weather app is going to change the outcome, so this is one worry I have just decided to let go. This year? This...
My calendar says that spring is just around the corner. I had a nice winter’s nap, and now, I’m expected to change gears in March and start mowing the grass. Oh, no. The lawn mower. I put a liquid in with the fuel last autumn. The mower was to start easily this spring. Well, that’s...
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