
Despite all of the challenges that 2020 brought, Ally O’Rourke will always a have a reason to be happy when she reflects on 2020. The Dubuque resident got engaged to her fiancé, Adam Goerdt, in July, and the couple is now planning a wedding for November 2021. The occasion will serve as more than just...
Last year, Makayla Bellis got engaged to her best friend. It was an exciting moment for the 25-year-old Dubuque resident and her partner, Matthew, 26. “We got engaged at the end of February, right before all the lockdowns started,” Bellis said. As the couple began planning their wedding, they realized that it would be a...
For many couples, there’s nothing more exciting than creating wedding wish lists. Almost half (45%) of U.S. adults who are or ever have been married or engaged have had a bridal registry, according to a Moen survey conducted online by Harris Poll. Registries can help you avoid receiving disappointing gifts. Respondents to the Moen survey...
When Matt Gregory first asked A Alanda to marry him more than 30 years ago, he was taken aback by her answer. “He was going away, and before he did, he asked me; I said no,” said A Alanda, as she’s known professionally, slowly breaking into a laugh. “He didn’t wait for me. He left....
Brunch. The dine-in restaurant occasion many of us miss most during this pandemic. With Valentine’s Day falling on a Sunday, we’ve rounded up a few restaurant-worthy recipes fit for the day. Cinnamon Muesli Pancakes, with Cranberry, Fig and Ginger Jam Prep: 20 minutes. Cook: 20 minutes. Makes: 16 four-inch pancakes. • 1 cup all-purpose flour...
Trying out online dating for the first time or frustrated by the experience? Here are five online dating tips from Andrea McGinty, dating expert and founder of 33 Thousand Dates, a coaching platform designed to help millennial and Gen X women and men navigate online dating. In her 20-plus years as a matchmaker, McGinty arranged...
Did you know that 25% of the 805,000 heart attacks per year in the U.S. are recurrent? The American Heart Association reports that once you’ve experienced a heart attack, your chances of having another one is higher. In fact, nearly one in five patients who’ve had a heart attack will have another cardiovascular event, such...
In her last trimester, in the midst of dealing with family and work issues as well as preparing for a new baby, Michelle Emebo felt stressed. “I didn’t realize how much it was impacting me until I went to see my health care provider and my blood pressure was up,” she said. Doctors monitored her...
UnityPoint Health-Finley Hospital ER nurse Jen Hanks often sings to her patients. She’s the first to say it has nothing to do with a good singing voice. “I find that nursing is the art of humanity,” said Hanks, 38. “So, to be able to connect with another human being and show vulnerability and to access...
Sexual intimacy is something that varies greatly between couples. “How much sex should I be having?” one might ask. This is something that each couple must decide for themselves, and for many couples, the average number of sexual encounters will be set by the partner who desires it the least. That said, it is never...
During cold and flu season and amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be more medicines in homes being used to treat symptoms. You can keep curious kids safe by keeping medicine up and away and out of sight and reach. The Up and Away campaign, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Have you put off making a will? If so, you’re not alone. According to a 2020 survey conducted by, only 32% of American adults have estate planning documents, such as wills and living trusts, in place. While preparing a will might not be the most pleasant way to spend an afternoon, it could be...
If you’re going to think positive during a pandemic, then one thing you should add to your list is self-care. And Faces MedSpa aims to help with that. Daniel Givens, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, and his staff have been in their new office home on Cedar Cross Road for a little more than...
Who knew that when Mom was admonishing us young hackers to sit farther away from the television because it would damage our eyes that she was not only right but also prescient? One of the many challenges of our modern world is the omnipresence of screens. Screens for work, screens for play, screens in our...
It is the new year, and I am going to take a wild guess as to what your resolution is going to be? Does it have anything to do with weight loss or wellness? I am betting so, considering that almost 50% of the population resolutions are just this. So, what will it be? Cutting...
The New Year is the perfect time to hit “reset” and start over with fresh dental habits that can help improve your health. “As we move into the new year, so many of us are looking at our health and wellness through a new lens,” said Ruchi Sahota, American Dental Association spokesperson. “Your oral and...
I was startled when a young woman I know — a promising scientist — said she is grateful for her learning disabilities because they enable her to peer through a unique prism and appreciate others who are different in other ways. Similarly, I’m (almost) glad I had cancer because it profoundly changed my view of...
After 15 years as a full-time massage therapist, Jaime Ellerie was ready to call it quits five years ago. As much as she loved her practice, which she ran out of her home in Dubuque, the art of massage had taken a physical toll toll on her hands, shoulders and back. She knew making the...
Have you heard? Sitting is the new smoking. Well, maybe not exactly. However, sitting does cause adverse health conditions. For me, prolonged sitting causes weaker back muscles and painful headaches. It does not help that my posture gets worse the longer that I sit. According to the Better Health Channel, sitting too long increases your...
Happy New Year! 2021 finally is here. For some of us, turning a new year has us celebrating and looking ahead to new and brighter days. Others might be downright too exhausted to notice or care that 2020 has ended and a new year has begun. While 2020 might have required modifications to our usual...
Adults and kids alike might be enjoying the excitement of digital devices received as gifts during the holidays. However, the new year always is a great time for a reset. Alongside those new devices, consider adopting some new digital habits. Here are some great ideas for helping your family build healthier relationships with their digital...
As we get older and wiser, it seems that health is one of our biggest treasures. Many seniors tell me that they wish they would have paid closer attention to healthy habits throughout their lifetime. The good news is that it is never too late to start. The classic scenario presents itself far too often:...
High blood pressure — the leading risk factor for heart attack and stroke — continues to disproportionately affect communities of color. Addressing this health inequity is especially important now, as people with hypertension and serious heart conditions are at an increased risk for more severe outcomes if they acquire COVID-19. According to the American Heart...
Gretchen Hong knew from an early age that she wanted to do something in the field of health care — and that she wanted a large scope of her focus to be on women’s health. “I was in third grade, and it was career day at Hoover Elementary School,” Hong said, as if the experience...
I’m sure this will come as no surprise, but when I open up my Pinterest app, I always am treated to a lot of beautiful food images. There is one particular image that floats by fairly regularly: It’s a recipe for detox soup. The image shows a healthy, lentil-based vegetable soup in an off-white speckled,...
Whether you’re someone who sets resolutions or not, there’s just something about a fresh start and getting the new year off on the right foot. Many are re-examining their eating and workout habits, but there’s one place not many think to evaluate: The closet. After all, a decluttered closet is a decluttered mind. Here are...
Starting a new fitness routine as part of your New Year’s resolutions? Protecting your feet and ankles is critical. “‘No pain, no gain’ may be a motto for most workouts, but ‘too much, too soon’ can lead to foot and ankle injuries, which can sabotage fitness goals,” said Jeffrey Loveland, a foot and ankle surgeon...
We are celebrating the winter holidays during a unique time in our history. There are many feelings swirling in our minds as we contemplate what life will look like in the weeks ahead — worry, fear, confusion, anger and sadness to name a few. While most of us want to make this holiday season as...
As Americans, we can take pride in the fact that we are a nation of givers. And as the economy improves, charitable giving is on the rise. In fact, according to the National Philanthropic Trust, in 2016, total charitable giving from U.S. individuals, corporations, foundations and bequests exceeded $390 billion, with 72% coming from individuals....
As the New Year draws near, a sigh of relief is anticipated, along with the hopeful promises of a fresh start. While end-of-year celebrations are likely to look different due a lack of gathering in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, New Year’s Eve parties have an opportunity to be festive, with champagne flowing, hors d’oeuvres...
Muscle tension. Pounding heart. Rapid breathing. Elevated blood pressure. Whether the threat is real or perceived, it has the same physiological response in the body. Stress is the body’s response — mentally, emotionally and/or physically — to change. Even positive change produces stress. The stress response can help to protect us in life-threatening situations. Or,...
For many of us, this holiday season is going to look a whole lot different than it has in years past. And for many others, it is going to be pretty much like any other holiday season. Whatever your plans, this article definitely is for you because it is about cheese log. And who can...
Eat, cook, read. If that’s your mantra, feast on these books — new and old, factual and fanciful— and all odes to food, glorious food. New this year is “Everything Is Under Control: A Memoir with Recipes,” by Phyllis Grant (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux). If you’ve intuited that the title is ironic, you are right....
Think about “home” and what that has meant to you throughout your lifetime. Home used to be where you lived with your family of origin, with your parents and your siblings. Then, home was defined to be college or your apartment as a young adult. A few years later, perhaps home became where you and...
I admit, I am a Hallmark Christmas movie junkie. I am addicted to the happy feeling that I have when a movie is over, even though I shed some tears. I know that the movies are predictable and unrealistic, but that is part of the enjoyment. The movies are so pure and innocent. My mom...
The holidays are looking a little bit different this year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the warm glow of the season. But before we get to that warm glow — whether it’s coming from a roasting bird in the oven or a stocking-bedecked fireplace — let’s dive into the warm, snuggly glow of...
With parties likely becoming smaller this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have decided to make them much simpler as well. Everyone loves appetizers. So, why not make your holiday planning easy and delicious serving those a la cocktail party? Don’t have the time to research fantastic recipes? I got you. I am all...
Fashionable and comfortable always are the goal, especially when you are entertaining at home. These four outfit ideas will help you put together stylish, yet doable outfits for your hosting events — even if those events are a little smaller than usual this year. 1. Knit pants + knit sweater + sparkly flats Knit pants...
Question: How do you tell your family you won’t be coming over for the holidays this year? Answer: The best way to handle this is similar to any other event you attend. If you knew you would not be able to attend an event, the proper etiquette would be to RSVP as soon as you...
The holiday brunch is a long-held tradition for many families. And while this year’s brunch might not include that big extended family gathering like it usually does, there is some warm and fuzzy feelings to be had at the table with immediate family. So, break out the Christmas china and those special recipes that only...
They say there’s no place like home for the holidays. Cathi Olson and her team at Ooh La La and Creative Touch Gallery would concur. Beginning in November, the paired Dubuque home decor and art and framing shops began the task of prepping tri-state homes for the holidays. Additionally, Ooh La La began its transformation...
The holiday season can be a stressful time of the year for most people. But with these easy-to-copy holiday outfits, there is one thing you don’t have to worry about: What you’re going to wear. 1. High waist skirt + plaid shirt + heels + statement necklace If you already have a closet full of...
This year has been a year like no other. Life, as we know it, has been challenged. Some of us have lost our jobs, and some of us had to transition to working from home. Others continue to report to the workplace, but now, with added personal protection equipment and health screenings. Families also are...
For a Thanksgiving Day twist, consider these decadent dessert options. Pumpkin Caramel Cheesecake Bars, with Streusel Topping Crust • 1½ cups cinnamon graham cracker crumbs • ¼ cup white sugar • 1 tablespoon brown sugar • 6 tablespoons melted butter Cheesecake • 2 8-ounce packages full-fat cream cheese, room temperature (leave out at least one...
November is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving and is a time when we are seasonally prompted to reflect on gratitude and the many things we are thankful to have in our lives. Gratitude, however, doesn’t have to be relegated to just one month of the year. In addition to simply being a humbling and...
As we prepare for gift giving, I would like to share some thoughts with you about the most precious gift you can give when caregiving. Presence can mean many things to each of us. I am referring to presence in caregiving, which the caregiver is fully engaged as they care for another. Presence is the...
I remember a time when gift-giving was fun. Was it just because I was a kid, or was it because once upon a time, we put more thought into gifts? We shopped in stores. We saw a special something and thought of someone who it would be perfect for and bought it on the spot,...
Shopping for the fitness fanatic on your holiday gift list can be difficult. They already have the bulk of every athleisure product or the latest and greatest trinkets to fit the the new workout trend. Or, if they are just getting started with their fitness regime, it can be difficult to decipher where to begin....
It’s that wonderful time of year, when we start thinking, planning and preparing for the holidays. It also is the gift-giving season. Excitement fills our families with boundless possibilities, as well as the lines in stores or the spinning wheel of our computers. For some, it might signal a nerve-racking pontification of what to give....
“Shop local” always has been a mantra of area Chambers of Commerce and small business owners. But never has it been more important than in 2020, the year of the pandemic. While it’s as easy as the push of a button to order from stores with a big online presence, many local businesses have stepped...
In years past, have you enjoyed the hustle and bustle of Black Friday shopping? Getting up at 4 a.m. just to stand outside in the cold, dark morning, waiting for the store’s doors to open? Or, in recent years, have you enjoyed Thanksgiving Thursday shopping? Enjoying your Thanksgiving meal in the early afternoon and get...
Age: 34. Owner of: Fig Leaf, 345 Bluff St. Years owned: 29. (Her mother, Ellen Liberg, owned it prior to McQuillen taking it over.) What does your shop offer? We are a lifestyle shoptique, which is a blend of items to peek the curiosity of many — clothing goods, bath goods and home goods. We...
Age: 59. Owner of: Shamrock Imports, 391 Bluff St. Years owned: 11 years. What your shop offers: Irish gifts from Ireland. Family: My husband name is Mike. We have four children together and seven grandchildren. What inspired you to open your business? My mother-in-law started the store. We took it over when she wanted to...
Age: 36. Owner of: Monk’s Kaffee Pub, 373 Bluff St. Years owned: 7. It has been Monk’s for 12 years and a coffee shop since the 1990s. What your shop offers: 80-plus craft and domestic bottles and cans of beer, 30-plus liquors, three rotating taps of local craft beers, coffee, espresso, smoothie drinks, prepackaged snacks...
Age: 33. Owner of: Kate & Co, 409 Bluff St. Years owned: 10. What your shop offers: Salon services, beauty and wellness products. Family: Two boys — Peyton, 13; and Oliver 10. What inspired you to open your business? My children. I wanted the flexibility while raising my children. What do you believe is the...
Age: 39. Owner of: Spark On Bluff Hair Studio, 441 Bluff St. Years owned: Co-owned at 441 Bluff St., with Marlo Goodrich, for four years — prior to that on Central Avenue, which opened in 2011. What your shop offers: A large variety of hair services, such as haircuts, colors, perms, smoothing treatments and facial...
Age: 28. Owner of: Wardrobe Social, 409 Bluff St. Years owned: 3. What your shop offers: Women’s clothing and accessories — jewelry, hats, face masks, etc. Family: My parents are Pat and Sheila Siegert. My siblings are Merrick, Cormac and Claire Siegert. And my pets are Buster, a German shorthair; and Ellie, a red lab....
Age: 73. Owner of: A Ripple Effect, 491 W. Fourth St. Years owned: 13. What does your shop offer? A Ripple Effect offers fair trade products at very affordable prices. Fair trade products are made by artisans in developing countries who earn their livelihood by selling their creations to nonprofit organizations who market them all...
Age: 53. Owner of: The Calico Bean Market, 352 Bluff St. Years owned: 13. What your shop offers: Bulk food, homemade nut butters, coffee, spices, candy, baking supplies, snacks and treats. Family: Husband, Jim; and son, Nile, 11. What inspired you to open your business? I frequently shopped at an Amish bulk food store in...
Age: 57. Owner of: Gotta Have It Inc., 315 Bluff St. Years owned: 29. What your shop offers: We offer modern fashions and accessories for the missy customer. I seek out fresh lines with great fit, unique style and the quality my customers deserve and love. We have a wide selection of everything from denim...
Age: 46. Owner of: Potpourri — Gifts for the Home & Garden, 474 Bluff St. and 115 W. 12th St. Years owned: 18. What your shop offers: Potpourri offers a variety of gifts for the home and garden. We specialize in home decor and yard art, but there is a little something for everyone. You...
Seven months into a world seen through the lens of COVID-19, you might be expecting a few pages of hacks to keep the kids on task for learning at home or even some tips on keeping active physically and mentally during trying times. But let’s be honest. After seven months, we’re swimming in life hacks...
Stephanie Grutz knew from a young age what she wanted to do — help people. The daughter of an entrepreneur father and a nurse mother, Grutz was inspired to follow in her mother’s footsteps by becoming a nurse and in her father’s by starting her own business. She began as a dietary aide in a...
A group of moms sip their coffee or tea as their children play. One mom jokes about how she hasn’t jumped on a trampoline since she had 7-year-old Molly, who flips in the air and lands on her feet. “Oh, how I miss those days, being able to jump without soaking my underwear. I’ve learned...
They are all around us. Professional and family caregivers quietly serve in the background, caring for seniors. Their jobs are varied, but their hearts, commitment and servant leadership is extraordinary. You know who you are — that committed army of women who pour out their hearts with compassion and generosity. They are fierce advocates and...
“Never in the history of calming down has anyone calmed down by being told to calm down.” A truer statement probably has never been said, and yet, we often ignore these words when interacting with others — especially children — who are experiencing strong emotions. “Calm down.” “You’re overreacting.” “It’s not that big of a...
Investing in the stock market provides you with an opportunity to put your money to work. Historically, the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index has returned close to 10% on an average annual return. Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results. But most investors fail to take full advantage of this opportunity. In...
Have you been feeling as though your wardrobe is boring and out of date lately? Do you think you need to set your closet on fire and start over? Not so fast. If you want to upgrade your style and your closet, try adding these seven pieces to your wardrobe first to refresh and upgrade...
A likeness of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg looked down on East 12th Street in Dubuque on Thursday. Artist Luis Valle sprayed paint onto the wall to fill in the details of Ginsburg’s head, which was surrounded by a red circle that will be filled in with a bright, golden halo. “I...
One hundred years ago (on Aug. 18, 1920), the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, and women were given the right to vote. In 1942, women were allowed to join the military. In 1948, the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act was signed into law, allowing women to serve as full members of any military...
(Almost) all I ever needed to know, I learned from babysitters — that is, having one, being one and hiring many. My parents were homebodies, and my sister and I only had one babysitter when we were growing up: Mrs. Piermont from across the street. Oh, how to capture her in words. The smeared bifocals...
The ultimate act of self-care is not just taking a luxurious bath. While it might help in the moment, the long-term best outcome for you is investing your time and focus into your goals — the ones that keep you on track to where you want to be. Get proactive and and start with your...
Women: Beautiful, smart, inspirational, hard-working. They are truly amazing. Believe it or not, I used to be incredibly intimidated by other women. I believed they were a threat to me and would belittle myself so much that I didn’t want to be around strong, smart, successful women. My judgment toward them was a reflection of...
Leading and innovating through love was a key takeaway at Wednesday’s Salute to Women Awards. The annual breakfast and awards ceremony, now in its third year, drew a socially distanced group of approximately 65 at the Diamond Jo Casino for the Telegraph Herald, Her magazine and event. The event honors women from throughout the...
A young Dubuque entrepreneur has made her dreams come true with a unique business venture that she opened in August. Sarah Knabel, 24, runs Bob & Lou’s, a mobile coffee shop, out of a 1968 Forester hard shell camper. In just a few months, the business — named for Knabel’s java-loving grandparents — has proven...
There are moments throughout history that cause a shift in course. In a year already marked by significant changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, May 25, 2020, is among them. It’s the day when a 46-year-old African American man named George Floyd was killed at the hands of four Minneapolis police officers, pinned down by...
Kelly Larson believes she has a duty. And it rests in the opportunity to act as an advocate for the most basic human rights belonging to individuals. For more than 20 years, Larson has made that calling her career at the helm of the City of Dubuque’s Human Rights Department. There, she and her team...
When it comes to careers in engineering, Danielle Urbain has never let a little thing like gender hold her back. “That was never an issue for me,” she said. “I was always gifted at math and science, and I really enjoy solving problems, especially problems that are solved over the course of a longer period...
When it comes to Nicole Salazar’s driving force, she is quick to point to one thing: Her steadfast faith. After all, it was faith that established the deep roots that ran throughout her family, faith that provided the foundation for her education and faith that pointed her in the direction of her life’s calling, setting...
When Whitney Sanger and Kevin Scharpf started Project Rooted in February, they had no idea that within 10 weeks, they would serve more than 35,000 free lunches to families in need due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “We know that health stems from the inside,” Sanger said. “By feeding kids nutritious food, we not only nourish...
What is the recipe to encourage daughters to have an entrepreneurial spirit and a dedication to improve their community? For Lara Walters and her family, it comes down to a passion for cupcakes. Together, she and her daughters operate Three Sisters Sweet Shoppe in Elizabeth, Ill. Located on Main Street in the heart of downtown,...
Parents vary widely in the diets and nutrition they believe to be best for their families. Dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, vegan and vegetarian diets have all become common in our culture, and our grocery store aisles reflect this trend. For many families, it is members with health issues and food allergies that determine which ingredients are...
One of the most important responsibilities in caregiving is to make sure that you and your loved one eat well and enjoy mealtime together. What can we do differently when it comes to food and drink to enhance the dining experience? Take your queue from nature. It is so easy to be inspired by nature....
As the parent of a special needs child, you know how rewarding —and how challenging — caring for your loved one can be. And even though you’ve got it all under control right now, you can’t help worrying about the future. After all, someday your child will have to go on without you, and you...
In my family, we regard eating and talking as among the noblest human endeavors. So, it’s little wonder we have developed our language about food. There is no place in it for the clichés of food writers — the “robust” stew or the “amusing” wine. Instead we speak of the “pick,” the “prance and a...
You undoubtedly have heard the old adage, “you are what you eat.” Perhaps a better way of thinking about it might be, “what you eat makes you feel how you do.” If you are allergic or sensitive to what you are eating, even if it is a perfectly healthy food, it might be causing a...
Pasta is a favorite for dinner because it doesn’t generally require a lot of special ingredients or equipment. That said, a dish of noodles covered in red or meat sauce can feel a bit heavy when it’s warm outside. The solution? Toss the pasta instead with a simple sauce made with cherry tomatoes, garlic and...
Mothers, sisters, daughters and friends: Pour a glass of your favorite beverage, and let’s talk. It matters that you are living a responsible and smart financial life. It matters as much as eating well, movement, mental stimulation and having those oh-so-necessary friendships. Here is a truth (take a gulp of that beverage first): Women have...
Do any of your childhood memories revolve around food? Do any memories revolve around the dinner table? I remember always eating meals with my family every evening at the kitchen table. If it was volleyball season, the meals would be later in the evening. If Mom had to work nights, then we ate with Dad....
I am feeling so grateful to have been writing for Her for one year already. Now that we are getting to know each other better, it is time for me to start to share with you a little more about me. Maybe even a few secrets, such as: When it comes to food, I love...
Quickness and ease are prized qualities in the United States, particularly when it comes to deciding what to eat. Busy schedules compounded by work, parenting, maintaining a home and a host of other activities often find many of us reaching for the fastest food methods possible to feed ourselves and our hungry troops — and...
Companies like Blue Apron and HelloFresh became all the rage a few years ago, delivering easy-to-make meals directly to customers each week. The catch often can be the hefty price tag and subscriptions that lock customers into a long-term relationship they might not need. But you can ditch the national chains. Get rid of those...
In the 1980s, a New York bartender named Dale DeGroff became enamored with a 19th century cocktail book written by a bartender named Jerry Thomas. Dubbed “King Cocktail,” DeGroff is credited with a cocktail renaissance of sorts, bringing back the fancy drinks often served in city bars during the early 20th century and coining the...
Anastasia Romanov 1 ounce whipped vodka 1 ounce Kaluha 1 ounce half & half 1 ounce raspberry syrup 2 ounces heavy cream 1 ounce simple syrup 1/2 ounce Los Dos Spanish Red Blend Combine vodka, kaluha, half & half and raspberry syrup. Add ice and shake. Strain into glass and add ice. For topping, combine...
Ordering out for pizza more often during the pandemic? Here’s a pizza that you can make at home and takes only minutes to put together. It has a creamy, garlic sauce and is a nice change from tomato-based pizzas. This recipe calls for a thin crust pizza base you can buy ready-made. I like to...
Sidney Kohl and Amy McDonnell met at a basketball game. “We met seven years ago,” said McDonnell, 49. “We knew each other in passing. Sidney’s husband was an assistant basketball coach at (Dubuque) Senior, and my nephew, Luke, played for him. It was a play-off game.” At some point during the game, the pair ended...
Self care is important. The old adage that we can’t pour from an empty cup, meaning that we can’t help others with their needs before we’ve met our own, is true for everyone, especially those who care for others. If you’re anything like me, however, you nod your head when people talk about the importance...
What does it mean to be pampered? For some, it means to indulge — to enjoy your favorite food or activity or to do something that is not common in your daily routine. My indulgence is ice cream. After all, it is my favorite food group. For my birthday, my family enjoys an evening of...
When you take care of your clothes, you take care of yourself. And by making your clothing last as long as possible, you save money, get to hold onto the things you love and make the most out of your wardrobe. Here are some tips how: 1. Follow washing machine instructions Things such as what...
Recently, I woke up like it was Christmas Day. I was ecstatic, and not because of anything more than the fact that I was getting a babysitter for the day. When you are at home with four little kids all day and a husband who works all the time, you start to become used to...
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More than a cup of coffee: Sarah Knabel creates community through Bob & Lou’s
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July 1, 2024
Rylynn McQuillen
July 1, 2024
Road-tripping this summer? Keep these tips in mind
July 1, 2024
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