
As I draft this column, I find myself wanting to begin my thoughts with one of the most underrated three-letter words in existence. I believe there are three, three-letter words that promote steps for us to execute daily challenges: Why, how and who. Why we desire organization stems from our circumstances. It is common in...
A bright, lemon sauce flavors delicate chicken tenderloins in this quick dinner. Tenderloins, or tenders, are a secondary muscle that lies directly under the chicken breast. As the name suggests, they’re very tender and need only a few minutes to cook. White wine and capers add to the lemony sauce for a tangy treat. The...
Like a lot of runners, I ate a lot of sweet potatoes back when I was training for distance events that required a diet full of healthy carbs and muscle-loving antioxidants. Even now that I don’t run so long or so far, I still love the orange-fleshed tubers because they’re so easy to prepare, play...
There are many angles from which we can approach beauty: Treatments, creams, oils, lotions and the list goes on. But maybe one of the first places we should look to is our nutrition. What we put into our bodies creates the cells of our bodies, and the cells in our bodies are exactly what we...
Many prioritize skin protection when spending time outdoors, but skin damage from UV rays and free radicals can occur inside, too. Consider these tips and insights this spring and summer: Indoor and outdoor hazards If you’re already taking measures to protect skin while outdoors, that’s great. The sun is responsible for up to 90% of...
Looking to stay motivated and achieve your personal goals? New shoes might just be the answer. Not only can they update your wardrobe, helping you look and feel your best, but they also can support your physical and mental wellness, help you try out new hobbies, and even take small steps towards a more sustainable...
From fitness conscious consumers to busy moms who always are on the go, casual athletic attire has become a socially acceptable and on-trend style. It’s so popular, it carries its own name: Athleisure. It might sound like a piece of cake to dress in casual clothing. However, avoiding a “just rolled out of bed look”...
With summer just around the corner, it is a great time to go over the basics of safe sunscreen use. Sunscreen, sun protection factor 30 or higher, is recommended daily, 365 days per year. It’s not just for fun-in-the-sun days and it is recommended for everyone, no matter what skin tone. Not wearing sunscreen increases...
I grew up on the west side of Chicago. The city has given birth to many popular fashion trends and put a spotlight on Chicago designers. Many up-and-coming entrepreneurs sell their original designer sweat suits or jumpers. Matching sets are popular. When the sun comes out, that means tank tops and matching shorts and always...
If you’ve ever been to Julien Dubuque International Film Festival, it’s easy to get caught up in the flurry of films, filmmakers and movie lovers hopping from one screening to the next. What you might not notice is the petite woman behind the scenes, working among the mass of volunteers helping to keep what has...
If you are a resident of the tri-states and have yet to check out Julien Dubuque International Film Festival, you might be missing out, according to organizers. “Julien Dubuque International Film Festival brings together everyone,” said Executive Director Susan Gorrell. “All races, cultures, genders. It is for everyone. That’s really important. We screen all types...
“Parental bonds, transcends planes. It stands the test of time.” This quote is from a recent poem I wrote as a message to my parents and as a message to myself. The poem, titled “Conflicted,” depicts the mental struggles I’ve faced following the death of my parents. It mentions the abundance of grief that I...
I spend all my time, pretending I’m fine While stuck in the middle of a battle with my mind I can’t comprehend the complexity of this grief built up inside of me The loss that haunts me Loneliness, cuddled up right beside me This emptiness I try to fill with distractions Subtracting myself I contemplated...
All my life, it’s been important for me to be there for my family, friends and neighbors. My passion for helping others led me to a career in health care, and I proudly served as a nurse for 14 years in Dubuque. After marrying my husband, Ben, in 2009, we started our family, and for...
Looking to spend more quality time with your family? Check out these five ways to put down the devices and get active: 1. Upgraded outdoor games. Give outdoor play an upgrade with KidiGo NexTag from VTech, designed for ages 5 and older. More than just tag, it’s a high-tech spin on 20 different backyard games...
As we rush through another week of preparing meals, call on the trusted appliance to lend a hand. We always seem to be searching for ways to save time, both in life and in the kitchen. Shortcut recipes aimed for frazzled cooks have been around as long as we’ve been cooking, and appliances like Instant...
During the past decades, as a culture, we’ve done a great job of making health a luxury that only a few can achieve. Health is no longer seen as a birthright, but as an accessory that can only be bought with trendy supplements and the perfect exercise program. One of my missions is to change...
Becoming a mom is the best thing I’ve ever done. It’s also the hardest thing I’ve ever done. When I became a mom, I had a picture in mind of what my family would look like. My house always would be clean. I would make a delicious supper every night, (complete with vegetables). My kids...
Organization is a learned and teachable skill that we can acquire at any age or stage of life. The outcome of our effort to become and remain organized is one of the most fulfilling habits we can embrace. As a parent, you are the first and primary example for your kids to learn organizational skills....
‘A place for everything and everything in its place.’Have you heard this insightful suggestion from your mother or a teacher? Maybe you have said it. Benjamin Franklin is tagged as the creator of this wisdom. It means that the best way to stay organized is to create a location for everything and keep things in...
To protect your finances and family in the long term, it’s important to not only reevaluate your saving and spending, but also commit to creating a more holistic financial plan. Consumers are seeking stability and preparedness in today’s uncertain economic environment, according to a recent Consumer Sentiment Tracker study. With ongoing inflation and market volatility,...
When Anna Meadows found herself pregnant with her first child, daughter Amina, she was faced with a revelation she didn’t anticipate. “The world is not designed for moms,” Anna said. “And it’s not something you really understand until you’re in that situation. I didn’t feel like I had many resources, a place I could go...
Looking for the perfect baby shower gift? A few go-to ideas can make welcoming little ones into the world a breeze. Here are some creative ones to consider: Cute, cuddly and customizable Making perfect friends for little ones, My Pal Scout and My Pal Violet Smarty Paws from LeapFrog are no ordinary stuffed animals. Their...
V states, “A relationship is any connection between two people, which can be positive or negative.” While we easily might be able to reflect on the relationships we have with family, friends, significant others, co-workers and so on, one of the biggest relationships many overlook is the relationship we have with our stuff. This...
Beds are meant to be comfortable and enhancing, gone are the days in which beds are just for function, these days “dressing the bed” is for some an art form, involving an array of pillows, lots of layers and texture. Create a mood How do you want your bedroom space to make you feel? Do...
Now that the holidays are well-behind us, many are looking for meals that are quick, easy and still incredibly satisfying. One comfort food combo that warms the heart and never fails to please is homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese. Is it because so many of us grew up eating the dynamic duo at school...
With the New Year in full swing, you might still be thinking about what you want to accomplish. Have you considered setting a goal for yourself and your loved one? Setting goals as a couple can be incredibly fun and rewarding. There is a sure-fire reason why they say, “teamwork makes the dream work.” My...
When we think about the relationships in our lives, our relationship with food is not typically one that comes to mind. However, your relationship with food can be one of the most important ones. Think about it. We eat food many times per day, we need it to sustain our energy and to keep us...
It isn’t surprising that anxiety levels increased during and following the COVID-19 pandemic, which took away closeness and touch and turned it into something dangerous. The pandemic reshaped our relationship with touch and, in return, weakened our social interactions of hugging family and friends, giving handshakes or high fives to co-workers, and even relating to...
Valentine’s Day is an age-old tradition, and it falls on the same day each year, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve planned ahead for the occasion. The good news? There are more thoughtful ways to spontaneously express your love than ever before, thanks to new digital tools. In addition to the classic options, like flowers,...
Are you ready to celebrate Galentine’s Day on Feb. 13? Originating from a 2010 episode of the popular TV show, “Parks and Recreation,” Galentine’s Day celebrates some of the most important relationships in our lives: Our girlfriends. More than a decade later, the now-official holiday has skyrocketed in popularity. Here are tips on celebrating your...
For many individuals like myself, we struggle internally to find emotional balance during times where our feelings might be contradicting. February is a month that generally promotes the idea of love and appreciation for those we have in our lives. We prepare for Valentine’s Day with gifts and sweets for those we hold dearest to...
For many, a wedding goes beyond the imagination and turns into a memorable day filled with emotions, photography, guests, makeup, hair and fine-tuned event planning. It’s the ultimate celebration which holds dear to the values of something borrowed, something blue and, of course, something old and something new. It’s a defining moment that exemplifies what...
Chrystina Morteo-Bowman always loved to sing. So, when she was scheduled to perform at Dubuque’s Smokestack during a talent showcase, she was hopeful it might lead to more opportunities to make music locally. However, she didn’t anticipate it would lead her to her future husband. “I needed someone to play piano for rehearsals and the...
At the end of 2022, I traveled to Papua New Guinea on a service trip, where our theme was, “Transformation begins with me, not we.” I was one of 60 coaches who facilitated a process called “Transformation Tables,” where we discussed value words to help leaders think differently about the principles that guide their decisions...
Did you know that 25% of the 805,000 heart attacks per year in the U.S. are recurrent? The American Heart Association reports that once you’ve experienced a heart attack, your chances of having another one is higher. In fact, nearly one in five patients who’ve had a heart attack will have another cardiovascular event, such...
White Sage Day Spa opened in November at 2095 John F. Kennedy Road, Suite 2. The spa is co-owned by Diane Patzner and Sheri Streif. “Sheri and I have known each other since we went to massage therapy school together (10 years ago),” Patzner said. “We always had very similar passions and goals that we...
A little progress each day adds up to big results. When I first picked up running in 2018, I was extremely intimidated, anxious and questioned myself nonstop. I failed gym class my senior year of high school and despised anything related to sports. I remember the burning side stitches after running just one mile. I...
While you might want to tone your abs, glutes and triceps in the New Year, there’s one often-overlooked area of the body that deserves your attention: Your feet. “A lot of people hit the gym or dust off their home exercise equipment in January,” said Danielle Butto, a board-certified foot and ankle surgeon and a...
New survey results suggest that 2023 will finally be the year that Americans bring their health back into focus. According to a recent poll of 2,000 U.S. adults aged 30 and older, two in three Americans credit the past two years with teaching them how important their health really is. And 71% believe the pandemic...
CASCADE, Iowa — Jennifer Breitbach has an innate sense of the energy surrounding her. So, when a dilapidated building on Cascade’s humble First Avenue W. continued to remain vacant in 2015, something about the location called out to her. “You could just tell that this was a building that had experienced a lot of hardship,...
Happy New Year. As expected, by Jan. 1, we should have our New Year’s resolutions in mind, so we can magically make better decisions. When it comes to research, we have a greater understanding of our health and how our thoughts affect our physical and mental state. That said, I believe our surrounding environment should...
In the new year, many people will begin considering their resolutions. Some will choose to focus on setting health and fitness goals, while others might identify DIY projects to improve and organize their homes. Several home improvement projects don’t need to take much time. Check out five that can be completed in one day to...
If you work from home, brightening up your office can bring a sense of fresh energy to your workspace. Family organizing expert Jessica Litman, also known as “The Organized Mama,” shares her pro tips to creatively update your space. Unique storage options Large plastic tubs can offer practical storage solutions, but for a more stylish...
One. Sound Meditation Location: 2223 Key Way Drive. Classes: 6:30 p.m. Thursdays and 11 a.m. Saturdays (sound meditation). 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays (yoga and gong baths). Cost: $10. Online: Within a dimly lit room, the soft singing of a Tibetan crystal bowl begins to resonate as it’s gently struck by a mallet. The sound begins...
Just because it has worked for someone else, doesn’t mean it is best for you. Often, we’re influenced into starting new diets or workout programs because we have heard from others that it “changed their life” or helped them lose weight. The truth about diets is they often are very restrictive. This presents (at least)...
Chicken cooked in a rich, red wine sauce is a French classic. This quick version captures the French flavors without the fuss. Helpful hints • Look for skinless chicken legs with the bone or remove the skin before cooking. • You can use dried linguine instead of fresh. Boil for 10 minutes. • A quick...
Ayurveda means “the science of life,” and the practice of ayurveda focuses on ways you can bring greater vitality into your life. It helps in physical, mental and spiritual aspects and has effective and simple practices for self-care and energy management from skin care routines to tips on how to improve urinary incontinence. One of...
Lindsey Mescher Topping always was conscious about her health. An athlete during her college days studying physical therapy at the University of Iowa, where she graduated in 2004, the Cascade, Iowa, native exercised and knew what foods were best for supporting and fueling her body. So in 2017, as she sat breastfeeding her newborn baby,...
The New Year often is a time to set new goals. However, statistics show that very few people are successful in keeping their resolutions. Why? Likely, because they don’t have a realistic, long-term plan. And, as Ben Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” This year, create SMART goals: Specific,...
The New Year represents a fresh start and is the perfect time to invest in your health. However, you might be unsure what resolutions will have the biggest impact. Doctors say that the easy, tangible actions you take are some of the most important. “Many people kick off the start of each New Year with...
Within the next month, I will travel internationally to Australia, Papua New Guinea and Cancun. One business trip will take me to another continent, where I am advised to pack light. I don’t know how to do this. It is an 11-day trip, and the food might not always agree with my American stomach. Besides...
Is it that time again already? To examine the mistakes we have made in the past and evaluate how to be better in the upcoming year? Our annual list of broken promises we make to ourselves that leaves us feeling guilty, rather than fulfilled? New Year’s resolutions are meant to motivate us and bring us...
The social media platform is filled with easy recipe hacks that can change the way you cook — for the better. What’s one thing you’ve recently learned that forever changed the way you do an everyday task? For me, it was that an egg and some chili crisp could transform packaged ramen into an actual...
Casseroles have long been a favorite for family meals and gatherings because one-pan dishes are easy to make, a dream to portion and can feed a crowd. Lasagna is a particular favorite because who doesn’t love the magical marriage of cheese, pasta and tomatoes? Add that it can be composed ahead of time, taking some...
The holidays are filled with joy, cheer, family, friends, parties and lots of food. Good, right? But they’re also filled with stress and exhaustion, some of which can be attributed to the brainwork involved in deciding on the perfect gift for each individual on your list. These local artisans produce and sell one-of-a-kind gifts that...
It’s not unusual for the Ball family home in Peosta, Iowa, to be Ground Zero for a flurry of activity — shuttling kids between sporting events, running errands and juggling an assortment of overlapping schedules. But despite the busyness from one day to the next, Abby Ball wouldn’t have it any other way. She and...
Am I the only one who feels like 2022 flew by? With the New Year around the corner, this is an ideal time to catch up and plan ahead — specifically when it comes to organization of your life documents. Within a 365-day period, the majority of us have experienced one, if not multiple, life-altering...
Elevated heights, neutral hues and eye-catching embellishments are making appearances in footwear, accessories and ready-to-wear items this season. As a result, fashion lovers will have the freedom to update their wardrobe by selecting a few key pieces without feeling the need to overhaul their entire closets. Nichole Duck, senior women’s buyer for shoe retailer Rack...
With travel returning to normal, there’s a renewed interest in seeing the world, but you don’t have to go far to bring the beautiful details of faraway destinations into your home’s spaces. With this in mind, celebrity interior designer Taniya Nayak has identified the top design trends for 2023, all with an eye to how...
From decorating with buffalo check to styling classic tartan, plaid is an incredibly versatile pattern with a rich history. While plaid often is associated with fall and winter, you know I believe this pattern looks great all year long. I’ve previously written about my love for plaid, from Scottish tartans to the bold and beautiful...
Tis the season for fun and festivities, which means more party attire, kids’ toys and decorations coming into the home. Family organizing expert Jessica Litman, CEO and founder of The Organized Mama, shares her tips to keep your space clean and under control during the holidays. Clear the countertops “When the party invitations, gift lists...
Tis the season for gatherings galore. Whether you’re an all-star entertainer or a first-time host, having the right tools will set you up for success — meaning you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time with loved ones. Here are a few must-haves to add to your holiday shopping list: For classy...
Are you hosting a holiday party and looking for a simple way to impress your guests? Here are a few steps for building an eye-catching and mouth-watering charcuterie board that will add color, flavor and variety to your holiday table. 1. Grab a platter or surface to display your charcuterie. Anything will work, even a...
Is it too early to think about holiday leftovers? How about a different kind of turkey sandwich: A quesadilla? It’s a turkey-and-cheese-filled tortilla. They’re pan-fried and served with coleslaw. You can make them with leftover turkey or chicken, or buy roasted turkey breast at the supermarket deli. You can use this recipe for any type...
Christmas always was a special time in the Goodman household. Decorating the Christmas tree; folding down page corners of the annual Sears catalog advertising the latest toys; staying up late to watch Perry Como’s Christmas special; hosting Christmas Eve gatherings of aunts, uncles and cousins, complete with a full spread of food; and music —...
Our schedules this time of year naturally are full with holiday celebrations. Plus, we have extra duties, like shopping, baking, wrapping and decorating. We don’t have to do some of these events or tasks, but I want to. Even though it’s a lot of work, I enjoy a decorated house with our memory tree (ornaments...
As we head into the holiday season, we think of all the wonderful times we will have with family, the traditions we’ve always celebrated and the events that will keep us busy. For families with a newborn, the upcoming holidays might feel overwhelming and a little bit nerve-wracking. If this is you or someone you...
The holidays should be filled with joy and magic. But the older we get, the more it seems the magic is running out. Christmas is the time to make dreams and wishes come true. However, we often are so busy helping others achieve their dreams that we neglect our own. As adults, we carry a...
“Give a person a gift and they’ll be a happy for a day. Teach him or her to hack and he or she will be happy for eternity.” — Unknown The holidays can be a stressful time, what with being forced into small rooms with relatives you see twice per year, carbo-loading on fruitcake and...
I am not a shopper; however, this time of year, I find myself in the shopping mood. My shopping sprees are not for me. Instead, I enjoy purchasing gifts to give. My goal is to offer unique gifts that keep on giving throughout the year. These gifts are great for anyone, especially those hard-to-buy-for friends...
Hearing “home for the holidays” often conjures memories of family vacations, family dinners and other family activities. However, when you have family that is no longer at home, the holidays might not seem as “Hallmark” as they once did. Holidays can be hard when families are grieving, and the time of year does not make...
My husband and I love to watch the show, “Alone,” a competition series where participants try to survive isolated and with limited resources in the wilderness. It’s evident that one of the biggest challenges of being alone for many days, weeks, or even months is the lost connections with family and friends. They choose their...
Slathering sauces or seasonings over a chicken or turkey before roasting might produce a beautiful bird, but it can deliver lackluster flavor. That’s why we prefer to season a them under the skin. Sliding spices and aromatic seasonings under the skin boosts flavor by putting the ingredients in direct contact with the meat. The skin...
Here’s a different take on chili. It’s made with black beans instead of kidney beans. These give a lighter texture to the chili and are perfect for a vegetarian meal. The broccoli in this recipe is cut into small pieces that absorb the flavor of the tomato-based sauce. This chili tastes great the second day,...
It’s football season, and there’s only one thing to make game day a bigger win: Delicious game day food. Looking to add some kick to kick-off? Take flavor and heat off the bench and put them into the game with these recipes: Classic Buffalo Chicken Wings Ingredients 1/3 cup butter, melted½ cup cayenne pepper hot...
Downsizing. Every person at every age has an instinctive reaction to what organizing and downsizing means. Where and how to start, personal impact, as well as possible ramifications from others are all scenarios buzzing around our heads when contemplating a project. For some, the idea of making any decisions halts action. I believe this reaction...
I love to walk home store shop floors early in the mornings before anyone else has arrived. It inspires me. As I walked a floor recently, I was awestruck by the one thing that tied each room together: Fall foliage. Florals are always fantastic, but this season, I felt as though I was seeing them...
Prepping windows for cold, gusty weather is essential no matter your home’s age, but what exactly needs to be done? Read on for the ultimate breakdown of how to seal windows and protect your home from the winter chill. Step 1 Test for air leaks. Any style of window could have small air leaks that...
Stumped for holiday gifts for kids? Brighten the season for little ones by checking out these gift ideas: Unique experiences One-of-a-kind experiences can expand a child’s worldview and help create lifelong memories. There are numerous ideas to consider that will appeal to a broad range of interests. For a sports enthusiast, consider a one-on-one outing...
Kerri Pomarolli wanted to be an actress. To put it more accurately, she wanted to be a famous actress. “I got my degree in musical theater and knew that Los Angeles — not New York — was the route that I wanted to take,” said the Michigan native who recently relocated to Sacramento, Calif., after...
Are you struggling to find thoughtful gifts for everyone as you make your holiday shopping list? Well, it’s time to get personal. By giving a personalized gift, the recipient will feel special knowing it was created and picked just for them. Here are a few customized gift ideas that they’re sure to love that won’t...
As you make your way to holiday gatherings this season, be sure to show your hosts gratitude for opening their homes to you. There are many thoughtful ways to thank a holiday host, but the best gestures are those that include personalized touches to leave an impression on the recipient. For example, don’t just bring...
Football season is in full gear, which means many of you already have grabbed some parking lot space, popped the trunk, lit the grill and pulled something cold from the cooler while tailgating. Everyone knows the old-guard options of how to fill that cooler: Bud Light, Miller Lite, Modelo and, of course, welcome to the...
As a single woman, daughter, mother, friend, small business owner, new nonprofit executive and career minded creative heart, the delicate balance of expertly co-mingling many of the hats within a single week, if not, day can be interesting. I wanted to highlight some of the challenges and successes I have experienced in building a life...
Health experts say that establishing and maintaining family traditions can boost overall well-being and vitality, especially as we age. “As children become adults and move out of the house or away, the family traditions that bind us can sometimes get lost in the process,” said Aparna Abburi, president of Medicare and CareAllies with Cigna, which...
When it comes to decorating, there is no wrong time for anything. It all comes down to personal comfort, taste and needs — ultimately what brings you joy. That being said, decorating for a holiday too early can sometimes draw unwanted glares from the neighbors. While it’s far from time to start throwing up those...
Even when they are tasty, creamy pasta sauces can be unappealingly heavy. A few bites and you’re done. Luckily, a lighter solution lies in peak season for sweet corn, with a high starch content that can create a creamy sauce without having to resort to using cream. Just pull out the blender. We developed this...
Are you here for work or pleasure? What kind of question is this? Who thought of this phrase? Was this a cover-up to make, “do you want to be here, or do you have to be” more appealing? How do we cultivate our outlook and achieve work for pleasure? By being organized, of course. Women...
Liz Garcia, of Monticello, Iowa, led a busy life with her husband, Matt, even before they had children. “It was very busy,” said Garcia, 33, who is a corporate sales rep for a book publisher. “We would be on the go at work and do a lot of outside activities with friends and family. On...
Mind racing? Feeling sweaty? Heart beating fast? Pacing back and forth? Feeling like something bad will happen, even if everything appears OK? If this sounds like you, you could be one of the millions of people who suffer from an anxiety disorder. Women especially have been prone to anxiety due to never-ending to-do lists, running...
After one month of being pet owners, our 10-month- and 3-month-old puppies, Oskee and Simba, have reminded us of the importance of discipline. It has been 13 years since we had a puppy and 23 years since we had a baby. During these last decades, I have had the privilege and flexibility to create and...
Since 2018, Her magazine and have selected four women from a pool of nominations who represent the best of the past, present and future in local leadership, community involvement and volunteer efforts, and making a difference in the tri-states and beyond. It is never an easy task, as the number of deserving nominees always...
Age: 68. Location: Dubuque. Title and organization: Director of Strategic Partnerships, City of Dubuque. Number of years with organization: 25 years. Education: Graduated with a degree in history from Clarke University in Dubuque in 1976. Attended Institute for American Universities, Aix-en-Provence, France, 1974-1975. Career highlights: Iowa Democratic Party Voter Identification Program, 1978. Elementary school enrichment...
Age: 70. Location: Platteville, Wis. Title and organization: President, Inspiring Community, Inc. Number of years with organization: Inspiring Community, Inc. originated informally in 2013 and applied for 501(c)(3) status in 2017. Education and career background: Bachelor of science in economics, Missouri University of Science and Technology; master of business administration, Drury University; doctoral work in...
Age: 49. Location: Dubuque. Title and organization: Household manager, the Chandlee family. Number of years with organization: 22. Education and career background: Bachelor’s degree in teaching in Spanish, University of Northern Iowa. Community outreach and volunteering: Approximately 22. Family: Husband Chad; son Alec; daughters Ana, Leah and Maren. How did you get involved with your...
Age: 25. Location: Dubuque. Title and organization: Employee Benefits Consultant, Cottingham & Butler. Number of years with organization: Three. Education and career background: Bachelor of arts degree in business, marketing and public relations, Loras College, 2019; hired full-time at Cottingham & Butler after completing second summer sales internship. Now now an Employee Benefit Consultant focused...
Do you remember when your friends and family sliced up a watermelon on a summer day? Do you remember shucking sweet corn with your brothers and sisters on the front porch? Or how about grilling hamburgers and hot dogs outside? Did you pick strawberries, gooseberries or blueberries on a Saturday morning? Did you ever pick...
The COVID-19 pandemic led many women to confidently embrace their silver hair, not only as a practical move, but as a stylish statement. With elegant stars like Helen Mirren and Andie MacDowell proving that gray is glamorous, (and younger stars even dyeing their hair gray to get in on the trend) you might be feeling...
In our fast-paced, technology driven world, we have successfully taught ourselves how to be unfocused. In other words, we are not as focused on our thoughts and tasks because of numerous distractions and poor habits. Many of these distractions we purposely turn on and activate, even though they create more interruptions and chaos. As I...
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