Lots of beauty, little effort

Jasmine Nakea Busch poses for Her Magazine at the TH studio on Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015.

I am positive that in 2020, we are all striving to look our best, while putting in the least amount of effort, day to day.

Careers, children and even self-care can occupy our free time and spread us so thin. But putting your best face forward, literally and figuratively, should be mandatory, not optional.

It seems crazy to think that putting less work into your appearance could be beneficial and more flattering in the long run. But fear no more; I’ve got a few tips and tricks to do just that.

The key to owning your look and shutting down any thought of insecurity is knowing what works for you: Your angles, what colors to apply to you, what fit is the most flattering, etc.

Eye shadow is a super easy way to spice up your regular, every day makeup. I’ve grown to love a minimal eye shadow look, with a nice false eyelash or simple coat of mascara.

Tip 1: Try an antiqued bronze to warm up the yellow undertones in fair complexions.

We’ve all heard the dreaded complaint,“That doesn’t look good on me because I have fair skin.” But once you find the perfect eye shadow shade that compliments your complexion and eye shape, applying or smudging that color over the eyelid can look amazing.

Tip 2: Dress for your body type.

Everyone raves about certain body types, when really, we are all human and all different. Knowing what fabrics and what styles to dress your body type is important.

Tip 3: Show gratitude, and strive to be better, inside and out.

Mental health is real. When you think good, you feel food. Working out, spa days, mediation all are major factors contributing to your outside appearance. Feeling good on the inside always will exude on the outside.

Jasmine Nakea Busch is the owner and makeup artist at Glam Salon, 3340 Center Grove Drive.

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